Basics:What's your name?:Angelina Age?:18 Birthday?:7/1/85 Appearance:What's your hair color?:brown Hair style?:straight Your skin tone?:sun kissed Eye color?:green and sometimes blue How do you usually dress?:awesomely Favorites:Fave color?:who knows Song?:i'm ready...or whatever Movie?:little women TV show?:gilmore girls Color to paint your toenails?:coral A short interlude of refreshing insanity:What color would you like to paint the White House?:bright pink What about the statue of liberty?:i like it green Hav you ever wanted to cut your toenails and mail the clippings to someone?:never If so, who?:george bush?? And why?:he'd eat them Things you did when you were younger:When you were five, what did you want to be when you grew up?:a ballerina What about when you were seven?:a cheerleader When you were ten?:a vet What was your favorite toy when you were little?:lamby (care bear) Did you like barbies?:hell yes What about Polly Pockets?:never Were you afraid of the dark?:slightly but i shared a room with the buff tough, teresa You now:Do you collect anything(s)?:yes If so, what?:scraps that remind me of my life Is your hair dyed?:nope Do you own an SUV?:no Are you aware that SUVs are a horrible pathetic waste of gasoline?:i am Politics:What's your political party?:i hate this Did you vote for/suppor Bush in 2000?:nope Will you vote for/support him in 2004?:nope If not, who will you vote for/support in 2004:i don't really know..i need to read up What do you think about abortion?:awful, but understandable The death penalty?:who needs it Gay marriage?:all for it Are your political views similar to those in your area?:mostly Did you advocate going to war in Iraq?:i did not Did you support the Dixie Chicks? (I did!):i did too Do you know anyone who . . .:Has AIDS?:not anymore Has cancer?:yes of course Has hair long enough to sit on?:not anymore! Likes Britney Spears?:I DO Reads a lot of manga?:i don't know what that is Got a new hair cut less than a month ago?:yes Wears hats often?:yes Sends you a lot of annoying e-mail forwards?:oh good lord yes Superstitiousness:Do you usually send on e-mail forwards?:nope Do you believe in ghosts?:i do Psychics?:nope Miss Cleo?:she rocks my world (and yours) Are you religious?:i am What religion?:roman catholic Have you ever had trouble because of your spiritual beliefs?:i have Have you ever bugged someone about THEIR beliefs?:oh yes Animals:Do you have any pets?:elliot!! What are they?:my dog Cats or dogs?:DOG Do you like penguins?:i would love to have one If you do, go to It's spiffy!What's the most exotic pet you've ever had?:a hermit crab What animal have you always wanted as a pet but never had?:a ferret What pet belonging to someone else has given you hell?:GINGER THE DOG...she used to run around the neighborhood and send my running The End! And they all lived happily ever after!
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