Title: Back To Dimension 42
Author: Trickster88
Pairing,Character(s): Marty McFly, Micheal J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Jennifer, Doc Brown, Steven Spielberg
Rating: PG-13 for language
Warnings: The 4th Wall has been broken, and Marty has a potty mouth.
Word Count: 894
Summary: Doc's new 'Dimension Telescope' doesn't have the exact effect he was aiming for...
AN: This chapter was a joy to write, and I will admit I played with the timelines a bit in this one. Let's just say The Outsiders and Little House On The Prarie are being filmed in the same studio as BTTF, and that The Outsiders cut out a scene at Dairy Queen.
So, cameos by C. Thomas Howell, Ralph Macchio, and Matt Dillon! :D
Chapter 1