The fibers of reality and the concept of power - a look into doorways of faith

May 30, 2006 09:44

The fibers of reality are composed primarily of matter, vibration, and cause and effect. To fully understand the concept of the fibers of reality, one must understand that at a basic level, all matter is made of electromagnetic energy, which vibrates. These vibrations form quarks and quazars, which in turn form electrons, protons, and neutrons, which form our atoms, our molecules, cells, and organisms.

These strings of electromagnetic energy generating fields which we perceive as solid are actually simply strings of energy vibrating at such an ultra-high frequency that it is virtually imperceivable to many. Now what one must understand is that these vibrations influence the other vibrations, creating a giant symphony of matter through little more than music at a high frequency.

Everything that happens in this world was caused by something. Everything has its own rhyme or reason. Because this world is infinitely older than those which inhabit it, that means that the causes we see are really effects of another cause. To fully understand the fibers of reality, one must be able to discern past why something happened, and find out why the reason was in existence. Everything comes back primarily to a cause which once perceived can be modified -- or rather, the perception of the cause can be modified, ultimately changing the cause's effect. All that must be modified is the perception of the cause. For example, if someone was going to kill someone else, for whatever reason, ask them why. When you discover why, then you can attempt to modify their actions by changing the way they react to what they perceive to be the problem, ultimately modifying their solution (in this case they wouldn't kill someone). This can be used limitlessly in social engineering for manipulation of reality, however social engineering alone is not enough to dictate power enough to change the world. Understanding the fibers of reality is the base for understanding the concept of power.

The concept of power generally applies to an individuals bubble of influence. A bubble of influence is defined by the individual's nature. That is to say, the bubble of influence extends to everything that the individual comes into contact with. Because the vibrations holding together the seal of reality can be modified by a member of reality (through deep meditation, subconscious realization, etc etc), it can be thought of as an exploit - a way to defy the "impossible" and turn it into merely "improbable". After all, this is a part of the system of reality altering the way which it was originally intended to work, through playing the "game of reality" per se by the rules of reality, and not by the rules of man.

Power over other man is power -- but power over reality itself can trump man's power. That is to say, man only has as much power as he thinks he does, and ultimately, reality can remove that power. So in order to gain true power, one must gain power over reality.

Power is thus defined as a reaction with a source (a cause) and an output (an effect). In order to wield a power, one must be able to reproduce the source of that power. That is to say, to wield the power of fire, one must fully comprehend the level to which the elecromagnetic vibrations go into creating it. That is to say that fire can be formed by the components of matter - perhaps without putting matter together for general purposes (like in the form of a lighter), but by altering matter so that the conditions are appropriate to create flame through changes in the electomagnetic composition of the vibrations and their frequencies.

Therefore for one to have true power, the power of reality (which in the end is still merely the power of man, other dimensions created by the reaction to the vibrations of these electromagnetic strings far supercede us, we are 2d as compared to the 3d, or rather 3d as compared to the 4d, that is to say, we cannot comprehend the level which supercedes our own), one must be able to understand and manipulate the fibers of reality. Science alone cannot yet do this -- but because we are composed of the fibers of reality, our faith can indeed mold our own fibers, and our own fibers can affect those around us. Supernatural? Perceived as such, however I would say that this power is wielded by anyone who chooses to wield it, once the proper training, time, and faith is acquired.

As humans, we channel energy and conduct energy. We conduct things that are of a 4d nature, it is how the level above our own interacts with us. What we must understand is that the 4d, in its infinite complexity and superiority, can indeed use us to accomplish its goals. The question remains, what are the goals? Why would we channel something if we don't know what its trying to do?

Many times because of the superiority of the 4d, it can have one appearance which we will truly believe however it can also be a blatant lie. Be wary of channeling otherworldly things, lest you be swept aside, for this too is but the power of man.


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