Mar 03, 2008 01:51
I never thought I'd ever relate to a Paramore song. FTW.
I LEAVE FOR NEW YORK IN TWO DAYS. HOLY SHIT. I AM PSYCHED. I am going to fucking get lost in a big city with lots of bright lights with two friends. How can this be any better? And all expenses paid minus my food. How could this not be perfect for me right now?
So when you don't see me update here much anymore, know I'm finally happy. Like, laughing and fucking skipping and so fucking happy I can't stand it. I am so fucking happy. I can only use words like fuck to explain it, as completely incapable as that may seem.
Remember spring 2006? Yeah. I'm that girl again. a long drive can do wonders for the soul of a lost soul.
I love spring. I can't to spend late nights outside in the valley on a blanket. come lay with me! please!
hsgkalghalsg hahaahhah I AM SO FUCKING HAPPY TO EXIST RIGHT NOW!
thank you, god!