Apr 14, 2004 22:59
Get with the program. Vote Bush, vote Republican this fall. There is really no other logical way to vote. Unless you like people who pander to America haters. Vote for the party that stands up to the crap of the world and doesn't take no for an answer. We are setting worldwide precedent in Iraq. You don't get peace by giving in to what the majority wants, you get it by killing the the people who want to dominate the world. Does nobody get that? Al Qaida is not retaliating for anything, we could give into all of their demands and they would still not stop. They do not want demands to be met, they want the infidels DEAD! Infidel=non-Muslim. Just look at the situation in Iraq, Muslims killing Muslims! If you don't think like they do, you should die. I'm not talking about all Muslims, but the radical fundamentalists that make up the rank and file of Al Qaida. Can we let this sink in? You don't negotiate with that philosophy; you kill it.