Jan 28, 2004 22:54
I find that everything in life is fluxing to and fro at a pace that is tough to keep up with. Yes, the proverb is true, fold the hands for a time, and rest for a bit, and poverty will come upon you like a bandit. I am not thinking in financial poverty, but there are many kinds and forms of poverty.
I sometimes feel as if there are thousands of lives resting on my shoulders. That if I falter one bit, I will have failed and they will perish. What erroneous thinking that is! Was it I who suffered torture on the cross? Was every sin that was ever sinned and ever would be sinned placed on me? Have I felt guilt that piercing? Did I feel the rejection of my father as he turned his face from his only son's bloodied body? I do not intend sarcasm here. Only one can bear the responsibility of the world's salvation, and he already did it.
All I can do is guide those I am able to that place of safety, the place of salvation. Sometimes I forget that I am not the Holy Spirit of God. It is not I who does the convicting.
Truth. What simplicity there is to evangelism. Simply speak truth. The Truth.