
Aug 16, 2007 00:16

No, not the shampoo... err okay nvm. =P

Relieved that papers are over! Today's paper I was really not properly prepared.. haiz sucks. Thankfully though, I managed to cancel the afternoon coaching. If not, lagi worse! Haiz... Yes, I'm so glad that the papers are done with. But today's paper, the more I think about it, the lower the grade I expect. Like, over study date last night, I already downgrade to B... After doing the paper, I should be glad for a C I think... Then thinking somemore, I think I may even hafta re-exam! No! Not worth it! Sigh... =(

Today, Noh walked into the room and I happen to look up and I was treated to a smile. HEHEHE. So was I, when Mr Captain A walked in. *grins* The funny part was, I can't take it already.. Don't know what to write and I was feeling cold... Decided to walk out of class, but he stood up just as I did. Since I was sitting behind, he didn't see [not because I'm small ok!] so I went to sit back down. Haha. Haiz... I gotta stop thinking about the paper!

Anyway! Looking forward to next module! For on top of BOTH stars taking BOTH modules, got old faces joining! Abang and Uncle. Whee! happy happy happy! excited! BUT captain's last module la... =(  Okok, still excited! Hee. Best la! Then, next module start on pay day somemore. Make newcomers welcome and buy dinner la. hehe. ok not dinner, snacks. =)

Whee! Now I'm so excited again. Haha. Well, funny thing is tomorrow morning, will have strategic planning exercise with department. Nice la. =S

Sunday plans in the making. First night class outing. First SUCCESSFUL night class outing I believe. I guess maybe because more "young" crowd this time round. =)

Time to breathe! Hehe. Okay tomorrow meeting up at 830am... So I shall be gone. =D


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