May 31, 2010 00:18
So I should be sleeping. But just a quick one…
Kelvin has safely landed and checked in to his hotel. He has even logged in to the wireless. haha.
Well, he pointed out “you are very active on Twitter” or something like that. So I said it’s like my new blog. I take it that I’m flooding his homepage. Oops. So, that is partly why I’m writing actually… I don’t want to flood his homepage now that he’s away from home. haha.
Anyway, here’s the schedule for the week:
- Mon to Wed noon, Teachers Workshop
- Thurs, JumpFest 2010
- Fri to Sat noon, HWS workshop
And yes, that will be Kelvin’s, Fiona’s and my schedule for the week. Fully business trip it is for Kelvin.
It has been a bit rainy of late and I actually joked that he’s brought the showers of blessings with him. haha. Then I thought to myself, DAMN that was cheesy. haha.
Okay so that’s all I wanted to say… That’ll distract me from the loss of my grandfather for quite a bit.
Thank you for your condolences my friends. [Ah yes, those not in the know, my paternal grandfather had passed on yesterday morning.]
Goodnight and have a great week ahead!
Happy holidays to teachers and students.
Happy shopping too- GSS started last fri all thru to 25th July!