The Rules

Feb 05, 2008 15:27

ainsleyaisling and I have conceived backstagetales to foster general/genre stories in theater RPF. Genre being mysteries, thrillers, zombies, science fiction, westerns--well, themes.


You must write about a theatre-related celebrity. Think public figure. We expect the majority of content to be about Wicked actresses, but don't feel restricted. The minimum celebrity/fame cut, though, is Off-Broadway (or international/other major US city equivalent). National/Equity tours are okay, non-Equity and regional tours, not so much. No college musicals, and no uber.

All ratings and pairings accepted. Please warn for NC-17, kink, and any content that gives you the funny feeling in your stomach that indicates you should warn.

All posts (except this one) will be friends-locked.


Many months we will have a theme. We will post inspirational ideas for the theme, but feel free to respond in comments with theme-related challenges of your own.


Perodically, moderators will run challenges and offer themes. Look for the challenge tag. Here are some challenge structures you can expect to see. Always pay attention to the challenge announcement fine print.

1) Anonymous Drabbling/Guess the Author!: Write a drabble (100-999 words) in comments in response to each month's theme post. Your drabbles will be screened, and then gathered and reposted for guessing who wrote it. The first correct guess for each drabble will get a PRIZE.

2) Remixes. This is essentially writing fan fiction about your favorite fan fiction, as a missing scene, prequel, or sequel. This is restricted to authors who have given approval to have their work mutilated by you. You're encouraged to patronize thewitches3 and chenzel_elite for old stories, and to link to said stories when you post. Yes, you can go STEAL their ideas as long as you LINK TO THEM.

Note: Anything you write will be considered fan fiction, and not author canon. This is not to discourage you from going all out, please do, but just to mitigate any expectations of fame, fortune, or power. And remember, no uber.

3) Guess the Author/Remix Redux Challenge Extreme. You write a remix. The author of the original story that has been remixed also writes a remix for the same story. Both are posted anonymously, and everyone should guess who wrote which (fan remix or original author). Whoever gets the most votes as original author wins a PRIZE, regardless of whether they are the actual original author. So it's like Challenge #1, squared. Or Balderdash.

4) Round Robins.

5) Audio/Visual Challenges.

Authors That Consent to Remixes:


(want to be added or removed on this list? Comment or email at any time).

the rules

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