Apr 08, 2005 19:56
So today was very very bad. School sucked as usual, there were some redeeming moments, but what was to follow ruined everything. I went to the eye doctor. It started out like a normal appointment. Then came the dialation part. I should probably note that I have a habit of fainting in doctor's offices when I feel anxious. For example everytime since I was like 14 that i get a shot or have blood drawn I faint. I get nervous, my blood pressure drops, and out I go. Never fun, but atleast I get free apple juice. ANYWAY so I'm thinking it's the eye doctor. I've never fainted at his office before, so I shouldn't this time. I was horribly wrong. I just had drops put in my eye and suddenly I get dizzy. I can tell it's coming. I can't do anything to stop it. Then suddenly I wake up and notice..... I notice uhhh it's so horrible to say. While I was out for like 3 or 4 minutes.... I lost control of my bowel movements. That's right I peed my pants. What was I to do ? I couldn't control it. The doctor wouldn't let me get up because he was worried I would faint again. So I just had to sit there... and he finished the eye exam. After that I went to the car to wait for mom and angel. Uhhh and only like a million people saw me. How embarassing.... anyway yea so my day sucked time a million.