H/C Bingo March Challenge

Mar 07, 2021 17:53

March challenge create a rec list of 15

hazing / bullying
loss of a treasured possession

Loss of a Treasured Possession
1: Title: to change the course of the future
Fandom: The Hobbit
Pairing: Thorin/Bilbo
Why it fits: This amazing retelling of the Hobbit/Lord of the Rings story has Bilbo giving up his treasured gift from Thorin in order to make things right. As the journey goes on you feel their heartbreak and shed tears hoping they are reunited as they realize that they are each other's most beloved treasure.

2: Title: Lovers By A Lonely Mountain
Fandom: SPN RPF
Pairing: J2
Why it fits: This is one of my favorites where Jared is an outcast of his village, where he is bullied not by the villagers but his own father as well. Jared finds happiness with dragon Jensen and the place where he belongs.

3: Title: Can't Take That Away From MeFandom: Batman Comics
Pairing: Gen/None
Why it fits: I have a fondness for when Dick and Bruce have their eyes open to the bullying Tim goes through at the hands of Damian and how them staying quiet only makes things worse. This series follows a what-if when Damian cut Tim's line and he was seriously injured. The family eyes are finally open but bonds might be to late as Tim struggles to deal with the changes to his life.

4: Title: First Impressions and Second Chances
Fandom: MCU
Pairings: Steve/Tony, Natasha/Clint
Why it fits: This is a heart wrenching series where Natasha's report about Tony colors Clint and Steve's opinions of Tony and end up bullying him. The first two stories show us from Tony and Steve's point of view. Steve and Clint realize the damage their actions have caused to Tony and they work to make amends with him. It is a wonderful read.

5: Title: Eternally Bound
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Why it fits: After the events with Lisa Ianto is more of an outcast to the team, all but Tosh who treats him with kindness. When Owen pulls off a nasty prank on Ianto it changes his relationship with Jack forever.

6: Title: Time Bomb Town
Fandom: Batman Comics
Pairing: Jason/Tim
Why it fits: Since Damian arrived Tim has been feeling more and more that he isn't part of the Wayne family. When Damian insulting him and verbally abusing him at a crime scene Tim has enough and leaves. That leads him to finding Jason and finding where he really belongs.

7: Title: family is family (even in its reflection)
Fandom: Batman Comics
Why it fits: Robin Reverse is a fun thing to read and this one is a wonderful series with the two stories told one by Damian and one by Tim about their relationship which has Damian verbally abusing Tim in the begging and it takes Tim's death and return for them to see that they truly love one another and see each other as brothers.

8: Title: Lord of the Northern Wind
Fandom: SPN RPF
Pairing: J2
Why it fits: This is a wonderful take on a Russian fairy tale where Jared is the verbally and emotionally abused by his stepmother who wins the heart of the Lord of the Northern Wind and will always protect Jared.

9: Title: Destroyed
Fandom: Batman Comics
Pairing: Jason/Tim/Dick
Why it fits: The Batfamily hasn't realized that they lost Tim from the family due to Damian's verbally abuse and neglect until Tim disappears into another universe to help their counterpart it opens their eyes to realize how they have treated Tim in the last two years.

10: Title: The Body Swap
Fandom: Batman Comics
Pairing: Dick/Tim
Why it fits: It takes a body swap between Dick and Tim to see how Damian really talks to Tim and Dick sets out to make amends between them.

11: Title: The Worst (Best) Hokage
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Kakashi/Obito
Why it fits: This is a wonderful story in a fun what-if take on Naruto. This one has Obito giving up after Kushina death and Naruto's birth where he is arrested and serves time for his crimes and it takes a very different yet still heartbreaking twist on the Uchiha massacre.

12: Title: The Seeds of Ill Will
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Janto
Why it fits: A wonderful take on the s2 finale where if Tosh and Owen live. The police have turned against Torchwood and Ianto ends up arrested in their hands he is placed in danger not just by those who blame Torchwood for the loss of lives but also by those who work for someone who would love to see Torchwood fall.

13: Title: The female of her species is more deadly than the male  
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Janto
Why it fits: Sequel to the above story. Ianto is still being used as a pawn and when he is seemed to be killed but returned he is placed under house arrest by Jack to keep him safe but also find out who is using him.

14: Title: kintsukuroi
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Kakashi/Obito
Why it fits: In protecting Obito during war Kakashi and him are banished from the village never to return. To avoid being arrested they take to being missing-nin. They just never counted on Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura still finding their way to them.

15: Title: Fortunate Son
Fandom: Star Trek 2009
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Why it fits: A different take where Bones was at Tarsus IV not Kirk. Bones is kidnapped and it is a race to save him and put his kidnappers behind bars. 

fandom: dc comics, bingo_card, fandom: torchwood, bingo cards, fandom: spn rpf, fandom: star trek

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