Title: As Long as You're Mine Chapter 3/4

Dec 04, 2018 15:30

Jensen had decided from the moment he met Jared that he was going to take up Learning and Caring for Magical Creatures, with his focus mainly on sea-dwelling life. He had lucked out in finding a college nearby that taught that course so he had moved into the beach house which allowed him to see Jared every day. It was incredible, he loved learning how merfolk got along with the other creatures of the seas.

He kept to himself that he knew a real merman, he didn't want to share Jared with his classmates.

"That is because you are a possessive son of a bitch when it comes to Jared. You don't like to share your boy with anyone." Chris drawled from his spot on the couch.

Sadly his friends had decided to move in with him. From their first visit, they had fallen in love with the place and with Jared and they came along with Jensen every time he came to visit, and when Jensen announced that he was going to school here, they all applied to the same one.

"That's not true." Jensen tried to deny his arms crossed over his chest.

Four bullshits were his responses.

"Jensen, don't make us call up your mother, I'm sure she still has those adorable pictures of you scowling and pouting at all of us when Jared paid anyone but you attention. Hell boy, you preen like a peacock whenever Jared calls you his and most of the time I wonder if we should check for peacock tail." Chris continued on.

Of course, Chad had his own reminder for Jensen, "You absolute hated Stephen Amell before even meeting him, all because Jared talked about him! I was surprised when we met the other merman he didn't combust from the force of your glare."

Jensen did his best not to bristle at the name of Jared's friend, he didn't miss the lingering glance that the blond merman would give Jared. Glances that thankfully Jared didn't return. Stephen Amell, Jensen just didn't like him. He didn't like how he looked at Jared, Jared was his! Then there was Jason Momoa, Jensen was sick and tired of hearing about how wonderful Jason was!

“Jealousy, dude. You are jealous of anyone Jared even looks at.” Chad added as he flopped down onto the couch with the boxes of pizza he had gone to collect.

“I’m not jealous of you guys and you hang around Jared.” Jensen pointed out.

Chris and Chad exchanged a look. “Yeah, we don’t count. Tom and Mike have only had eyes for each other and even after a year together can’t get enough of each other. And while the Chad is highly desirable,” Chad gestured to himself, “I only see the Jay man as a friend.”

Chris rolled his eyes and Jensen was sure that one day he was going to walk in on the two going at it like rabbits which was a sight he hoped he never saw. He wrinkled up his nose; Chris and Chad were dancing around one another and Chad seemed to like pushing Chris’ buttons and make him green with jealous.

Still, Jensen couldn’t shake his friend's words: was he in love with Jared?


Jared knew in his heart that Jensen was the other half of his soul, his song mate, he just didn’t know how to tell him.

"I know what it is like, kid, to be torn between two worlds. To be torn between a world you love and the one you love." Jeff took a seat beside Jared. “To think you have to choose between the sea and the land.”

The older man who Jared knew if he didn’t have Jensen he could have seen him falling for. He was an older man who Jared could have seen himself fallen for if he didn't have Jensen already. Jeff had become a friend in the long days as he waited for Jensen to return to him. He didn’t know where Jeff had come from that one day he showed up when Jared had been mourning Jensen leaving, and started talking to him. Jared couldn’t explain why he felt so comfortable with him.

For a moment Jared could only stare at Jeff, confusion in his eyes and then Jeff lowered his feet enough into the water and Jared watched with amazement as his feet morphed and turned into dark red fins.

"You're a merman?"

"That I am, kid. Like you, I found my song mate in a human and I worried that I would have to choose between him and the sea. But I didn't. For your song mate and only your song mate you can be with him on land and return to sea. You don't have to choose, Jared you can be a part of both worlds." Jeff explained to Jared.

"I can?" Hope sprung in Jared’s voice.

“You can,” Jeff reassured him placing a hand on Jared’s shoulder before pulling him into a hug.

“Who is your friend, Jared?”

Both Jared and Jeff turned towards the voice breaking the hug Jared almost pulled a muscle from how fast he turned his neck at the sound of Jensen's slightly accusing tone. Jeff took one look at the handsome young man standing at the edge of the beach, a guitar hanging in his hands and his eyes glaring daggers at him, and Jeff knew if looks could kill he would be dead.

Something dark and ugly burned within Jensen at the sight of Jared in the arms of another merman.

“Don’t worry kid, as pretty as Jared is,  I ain’t after him. I have my own song mate but if things had been different, well, then you might have a challenge on your hands.” Jeff drawled,  enjoying teasing the man who was no doubt, Jensen, as a snarl escaped his lips.

“Jeff!” Jared could feel his cheeks heating up at his fellow merman’s words. “Jensen, this is my friend Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Jeff, this is my Jensen.” Jared introduced the two of them, hoping that they could be friends.

Jensen didn’t care if the other man was mated, he was flirting with his Jared. The possessive claim to Jared had Jensen reeling as it hit him. ‘Son of a bitch, they were right!’

“Aah and now he sees.” Patting Jared on his shoulders both watched in awe as Jeff’s tail turned into legs. “Come and visit me at my bookstore someday, I would love for you to meet my two mates Andrew and Norman,” Jeff called over his shoulder.

“How?” Jensen asked in shock, once Jeff had disappeared out of sight.

“When a merperson finds their life mate among mortals or other kinds who live above the surface, they gain the ability to walk on land,” Jared admitted in a soft voice. “Something I didn’t know until Jeff just told me.”

Jensen studied Jared and it hit him: this is why Jared never said anything. He was afraid that they could never be together for Jared belonged to the sea and Jensen was bound to the land. Sitting on the ground, Jensen put his guitar in his lap and began to play and sing.

Wise men say only fools rush in

But I can’t help falling in love with you

Shall I stay?

Would it be a sin

If I can’t help falling in love with you?

Like a river flows surely to the sea

Darling so it goes

Some things are meant to be

Take my hand, take my whole life too

For I can’t help falling in love with you

Like a river flows surely to the sea

Darling so it goes

Some things are meant to be

Take my hand, take my whole life too

For I can’t help falling in love with you

Jared couldn’t breathe as he felt his heart pounding furiously in his chest. “Jensen? Do you mean all of this?” Jared asked in a soft and hopeful voice.

Placing his guitar down, Jensen slid into the water with Jared where he cupped his cheeks in his hands. “I do. I mean every word, Jared. I love you. Since the day we met, you owned a special place in my heart and as time went on, each and every visit only proved that I couldn’t live without you. You are my everything.” Jensen moved on one hand down to take Jared’s hand in his and place their joint hands over his heart. “My heart beats for you and only you,” Jensen whispered as he rested his forehead against Jared’s.

“I love you too, Jensen. You are the other half of my soul. My song mate.”Jared whispered.

Jensen didn't know who moved first, all he knew was that finally his lips were pressed against Jared's. Kissing Jared was like everything Jensen had dreamed of and more, it was like coming home. This is where he belonged: in here with Jared. His fingers curled into Jared's locks,  loving the feeling of his hair running through his fingers.


"Well you so owe me fifty bucks." Chad commented as he and Chris walked away from the beach, having gone to check on Jensen after he had walked out earlier with his guitar. Only to come upon Jensen and Jared bathed in the moonlight declaring their love for one another.

"Damn it, why couldn't they have lasted another week?" Chris growled under his breath.

A smug look appeared on Chad's face. "Well it's too bad for you but great for me." Chad bragged.

Rolling his eyes, Chris tugged Chad into a kiss from past experience it was the only way of shutting the blond up. "Come on, let's leave the two lovebirds alone while I give you something else to brag about." Chris growled as he dragged Chad back up to the house.

'Works every time.' Chad thought smugly to himself happily to leave his two friends to discover what they had all seen.


Jared couldn't believe it: Jensen was kissing him! After waiting for this moment, it was perfect and he never wanted it to end. "Jensen," Jared whispered softly as he felt magic flow through him and Jensen binding them together forever. A soft gasp escaped him as he felt his tail tingling. Breaking the kiss with Jensen, Jared looked down with wide eyes as his tail slowly faded and was replaced with legs. "Jensen, I have legs," Jared whispered in awe.

Jensen felt his heart skip a beat at the pure joy on Jared's face and with a smile on his face as Jared let out a giggle as he wiggled his toes in the sand. And he found himself licking his lips as he took in those long legs of Jared and wanted to feel them wrapped around his waist. "Jared," Jensen growled out in a deep voice.

Suddenly the feel of the sand beneath his toes wasn't as important as Jensen's lust filled growl washed over him and Jared lifted his head to find Jensen staring at him with hunger in his eyes. "Jensen," Jared whispered in a soft voice.

Tugging Jared back into his arms where he belonged,  Jensen nuzzled Jared's cheek, "I plan on making love to you in a bed and very soon, but here and now I want nothing more than to take you under the stars and moonlight with the waves crashing over our bodies and the sound of the ocean around us." Jensen murmured in Jared's ear.

Jared shivered at the feel of Jensen's scruff rubbing against his skin and Jensen's words. "Please," Jared begged softly.

Another growl escaped Jensen's lips, he knew at that moment he would never get tired of hearing Jared pleading with him. "Oh baby , I am going to make you plead and beg for so much more," Jensen promised as he lowered Jared down to the sand before pulling off his shirt and tugging off his shorts. "And don't worry I will make sure to help you get rid of all the sand," Jensen promised, he liked the idea of cleaning up Jared only to get him dirty all over again.

Jared smiled shyly from beneath Jensen almost as if he was reading his mind; never had he had someone touch him the way Jensen was touching him, saving all his firsts for Jensen. Lifting his arm up,  he buried his hand into Jensen's hair and tugged him down into a kiss. "Make me yours." He whispered once the kiss ended, pressing his body against Jensen's.

"I will. I give you my heart, my soul and my body. I will love you every minute of every day and I will ensure that you never doubt my love for thee." Jensen vowed.

Jared could feel tears welling up in his eyes at Jensen's vows. "I give myself to you. My heart has been yours from the day we met and will be yours in this life and the next." Jared promised.
And with a kiss, they sealed their vows and they consummated their union under the moon and with the blessing of the sea.

pairing: j2, spn reverse big bang, title: as long as you're mine

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