Title: Hope's Last Breath
Fandoms: Supernatural/Torchwood/The Avengers/Doctor Who
Pairings/Characters: Dean/Sam/Castiel, Jack/Ianto, Coulson/Clint, Tony/Bruce, Natasha/Pepper, Thor/Loki, Steve/Darcy, Balthazar/Gareth Jones, Bobby, Marion Jones (OFC), Andy/Tosh, Owen/Maria Hill, Nick Fury/Donna Noble, Rhys Williams/Kathy Swanson, Martha Jones, the
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Comments 4
YOu truly scared me with your description of the destructionn of hope in the Pandora's jar. Good use of that myth
I got the idea from Warehouse 13, they dealt with something like this. Plus I love the myths and wanted to use Pandora's Jar in a story.
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