Views From The Longbox- It's Back!

Sep 05, 2007 21:18

Yeah It’s Been Two Weeks But You Know You Want To Listen To This Week’s…

Episode Ten: The Talking Shop, Comic Shops Episode

(Left Click to Listen, Right Click to Download, Jump to the Left and Step to the Right to Time Warp)

Views From The Longbox is a comic book podcast hosted by Michael Bailey. Every week Michael will cover some aspect of the four colored world of comic books. Each episode will run twenty to thirty minutes so Michael won’t be wasting too much of your time with his sometimes incoherent ramblings about the comic books and related items that he has squirreled away in his house. This week's episode includes:

- Michael explaining where he’s been for the past two weeks.
- Michael talks a good bit about comic shops.
- Thrill to the “exciting” adventure of Michael’s first comic shop experience.
- Michael describes what his perfect comic shop would be.

In addition to the actual episode graphic here, for your viewing pleasure, is the article Michael talks about in this week’s episode. It has really yellowed over the past seventeen years but with the miracle of modern technology it is black and white here.

Relevant Links

Hey, Views Is Now A Weekly Column At Comixtreme!- Check this site every Friday for the newest installment of the Views column and check it out every day for other neat things to read about and enjoy.
The Official Views Blog- Still under construction, but this is the home base of Views and will eventually have content in addition to the show.
The Unique Geek.- This is a group I belong to and even take part in their bi-weekly podcast. They also have a listserv where all are welcome and you can get there by clicking HERE. .
The Official Views MySpace Page- Because all of the kids are doing it these days. Like the blog it is still a work in progress, but I'm getting there.
The RSS Feed For The Show- If you are into that type of thing.
The iTunes Link- Yup, I'm on iTunes. Me and a billion other podcasts.
Media Gauntlet- The site nice enough to host this show.

Also you can find the show at Podcast Alley. Go there and leave some feedback on the show. It will make me more powerful than you could possibly imagine.

Views From The Longbox Logo is by Blake Wilkie

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