God It's Hot Outside. Thank God For...

Jul 17, 2007 19:37

You May End Up Hating…

Episode Five: The Rob Liefeld Episode

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Views From The Longbox is a comic book podcast hosted by Michael Bailey. Every week Michael will cover some aspect of the four colored world of comic books. Each episode will run twenty to thirty minutes so Michael won’t be wasting too much of your time with his sometimes incoherent ramblings about the comic books and related items that he has squirreled away in his house. This week's episode includes:

- Yet another new theme song.
- Rob Liefeld: Hack or Under Dog With a Heart of Gold?.
- Thoughts on the Transformers flick.
- The Views Blog Pick of the Week

Relevant Links

The Official Views Blog- Still under construction, but this is the home base of Views and will eventually have content in addition to the show.
The Official Views MySpace Page- Because all of the kids are doing it these days. Like the blog it is still a work in progress, but I'm getting there.
The RSS Feed For The Show- If you are into that type of thing.
The iTunes Link- Yup, I'm on iTunes. Me and a billion other podcasts. Hey, if you subscribe to the show through here or have iTunes write a review. I would appreciate it.
Media Gauntlet- The site nice enough to host this show.

Also, I humbly ask you to head on over to Podcast Alley and write a review for the show. Just search for Views From The Longbox and it should be the first one you find. I would appreciate it and you would have my undying loyalty and support. I may not take a bullet for you, but I may…uh…talk sternly at the guy who shot you as I run for my life.

Views From The Longbox Logo is by Blake Wilkie

Live Journal Advertising Format "Borrowed With Admiration" from blakemp of 2 in 1 Showcase

youngblood, rob liefeld, transformers

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