Truth, Justin, and the American Way #2

Mar 07, 2010 17:16

Quick Rating: Very Good

An alien suit, chased by the feds… the real danger? Justin’s fiancé.

Writers: Scott Kurtz & Aaron Williams
Art: Giuseppe Ferrario
Theme Song By: Kristofer Straub
Cover Art: Giuseppe Ferrario
Publisher: Image Comics

Review: With the first-issue set-up out of the way, Scott Kurtz and Aaron Williams seem even more at home with their new title. Justin has come under the gun at his own bachelor party as Agent Bixby tracks the alien super-suit down to the young slacker. Quite inadvertently, Justin begins to learn about some of the incredible properties of the suit, but ultimately he’ll have something far more dangerous than the Feds or an extraterrestrial haberdasher to worry about… his fiancé, Bailey.

Aside from the cover (the first of a series of 80s movie homages, judging from future solicits), this issue doesn’t dwell quite as steeply in the nostalgia as last issue, but now that the premise has been set up, it’s not as necessary. This issue is more driven by plot and character than the gags, which is to the good.

Not to say that it doesn’t have humor - the book is still quite satisfyingly funny. I particularly liked the flashback to Justin and Bailey’s first meeting - the sort of charming foolishness that only seems to work in the movies or on TV, but is still heartwarming nonetheless.

Even if we weren’t getting crackingly funny story, this comic would be well worth getting for the introduction of Giuseppe Ferrario to American audiences. He’s got a wonderful grasp on the characters, the choreography and the coloring, and the things he does with backgrounds are amazing. He’s clearly overlaid the characters over a background that’s been Photoshopped (or done in some equivalent program), but the transition is rarely too jarring. The only really obvious page is the last one, where Bailey stands on a rug that looks slightly too realistic. But the way he plays with patterns in fabric and even the signs that appear at the Corn Dog stand are great and make up for the minor quibbles.

Kurtz and Williams are already quite established as two of the funniest cartoonists working in comics, and it’s great that they’ve brought on an up-and-comer on this, one of their highest-profile projects in some time. I’m enjoying the heck out of this comic, and I can’t wait to play the MP3 of the theme song and start reading issue three.

Rating: 8/10

image comics, scott kurtz, giuseppe camuncoli, aaron williams, truth justin and the american way

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