May 16, 2009 13:22

Quick Rating: Great
Title: Execution Day (Thicker Than Water Issue Four)

The final fate of the Silver Agent!

Writer: Kurt Busiek
Art: Brent E. Anderson
Colors: Alex Sinclair
Letters: John Roshell
Editor: Ben Abernathy
Cover Art: Alex Ross
Publisher: DC Comics/Wildstorm Signature Series

Review: The conclusion of the story Astro City fans have wanted to read for a decade is just the end of the first act of The Dark Age, and it’s a really good one. As the doomed Silver Agent sits on death row, on the day of his execution, an incredible threat from outer space prepares to destroy North America. But the real story is Charles and Royal Williams, the cop and the crook, brothers, who have carried a hatred for the Agent ever since their mother died during one of his battles. Now, as they await his execution, the chaos that engulfs Astro City sends a deadly warrior after Royal - and brings the brothers to a moment of truth.

Kurt Busiek told fans some time ago that the story that revealed the fate of the Silver Agent wasn’t actually the Silver Agent’s story, and he didn’t lie. Instead, it’s the backdrop for this intriguing character play starring two brothers who took the same tragedy and used it to forge very, very different paths in their lives. The story is set against one of those incredible superhero free-for-alls that make for multi-issue crossovers in this day and age, but the battle only exists to set up the confrontation of the brothers. The way the story ends is a clear turning point in their lives, and sets up the second book quite nicely even as it closes off the Silver Agent’s tale completely.

Brent Anderson has provided the artwork for every Astro City story to date, and honestly, I couldn’t imagine anyone else’s pencils telling these tales. He has an uncanny ability to contrast high-flying, even cosmic superhero adventures with down-to-earth stories and scenes of a couple of brothers just sitting in a bar. His pacing and choreography are absolutely remarkable, he knows just how to time a scene for maximum impact.

Alex Ross, as always, provides the cover art, and this has to be one of his best. The stark, black background with a single spotlight illuminating the ill-fated hero is a chilling image, and one that will jump right out at any fan who sees it sitting on the shelf.

This was a powerful Astro City yarn - not the best (that crown still goes to Confessions), but right up there. We’ll have a one-shot in a few months to tide us over, but Book Two can’t come soon enough.

Rating: 9/10

astro city, kurt busiek, wildstorm signature series, dc comics, ben abernathy, alex ross, john roshell, brent anderson, wildstorm, alex sinclair

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