Majestic (Miniseries) #1

Jun 16, 2008 14:29

Originally Presented at on August 3, 2004

Quick Rating: Very Good
Title: Grounded

Trapped in the DC Universe, Mr. Majestic tries to find his way home.

Writers: Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
Art: Karl Kerschl
Colors: Carrie Strachan
Letters: Phil Balsman
Editor: Tom Palmer, Jr.
Cover Art: Ed McGuinness & Dexter Vines
Publisher: DC Comics

Review: Some time ago, a timestorm over Metropolis caused Superman to vanish without a trace, drawing Mr. Majestic into the DC Universe from the Wildstorm Universe in his stead. Well… Superman made it home, but Majestic remained in the DCU.

The same creative team who handled that storyline reunites for this miniseries. Some time has passed and Majestic has split his time between acting the superhero and trying to construct a device to send himself home. The trouble is, he doesn’t quite have Superman’s sense of proportion, and as this issue, opens, big blue confronts him and calls him on it.

The conversation between the two heroes is the highlight of this issue - funny but insightful at the same time. As you read along, you realize that Majestic is, in essence, what Superman would be without the balancing human influence of Clark Kent. He’s not evil, he’s not even as over-the-top as characters like the Authority, but he does believe his way is right and he’ll go to whatever lengths are necessary to get his job done as he sees fit. The narration is eminently logical, and at times you even find yourself sympathizing with, almost agreeing with his stance.

Karl Kerschl’s artwork is fantastic. He handles the big, bold characters - both the title hero and the guest-stars - with great flair, making them look larger than life, but not losing the human quality in Superman’s face. He gets bonus points for the cover too - a nice homage to the classic cover of Superman #1.

I really wasn’t familiar with this character before he spilled into the DCU a few months ago, but I feel like I’ve got a good grip on him now. And I like where this story is going. This feels like a way to get a very different take on Superman without stooping to an “Elseworlds” or a mind control story or the like. If that sounds like it’ll appeal to you, then you should definitely give this title a try.

Rating: 8/10

tom palmer jr., dexter vines, ed mcguinness, dc comics, majestic, andy lanning, dan abnett, phil balsman, carrie strachan, karl kerschl, wildstorm

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