Ripped from away from death...from heaven. From the_embattled

Apr 03, 2006 22:45

Waking up, I had in a confined space was demoralizing, crushing, irritating and most annoying. But, waking up in the very freezer once more next to a young girl that was like a surrogate daughter, knowing that she was dead next to me, was all of those other things and disconcerting. The door opened and I fell out onto the floor below, trying to...trying to remember what had happened and how Dawn had been dead near me, when last I...last I recalled, I had been rendered unconscious at Willow's hands.

I was seeing things doubled. My eyes were blurred, especially in the light of the room, which seemed like spot and strobelights veritably beaming down upon me. I saw, eventually, when my eyes, pained, were able to make sense out of things, that Xander was there, and Anya and a third, unrecognizable one, whom I heard referred to as D'Hoffryn, whom of course, I knew as the ruler of Arashmahar, and in a sense, the employer, if you will, of Anyanka, or the very Anya in front of me. He teleported out of the room, and I tried to get to my feet. I heard Anya's words and felt my heart tremble as I tried to stand up, and it was the sort of feel that could only be associated with a heart that had been revivicated, only with the words and the appearance of an evil deity of sorts, I knew that I hadn't received CPR to be brought back.

"Xander, it didn't work on Dawn. I can't give you a reason why this has happened. Frankly, I don't know what went wrong. Maybe, this was a consequence."

I gathered myself as much as could be done considering the circumstances, feeling dizzy all over and feeling something that I couldn't define within me, and I knew, knew with certainty that I had been taken from where Buffy had been taken.

"First, Willow plays God with Buffy and rips her from the pearled-gates, and now, the two of you are foolish enough to do it again? If you want reasons as for what happened, then look no further then the very mystical that killed me. Dark-rooted powers took me and you used them to bring me back. Dawn was taken by a human death, there will be no bringing her back."

I looked at the two of them, and there were questions, such as, where we were, where Buffy was, and did anyone stop Willow, but first and foremost, it occurred to me that what I had just told them was something that I had never researched. I shouldn't have known, even with my extensive knowledge, what I had just brought to light, but I did. There was an urge to punish them, or even lash out, but answers needed to be given first.

"Xander, Anya, where are Buffy and Willow? Did Willow's powers cease?"

I looked at them as they looked at each other, obviously afraid of someone brought back from the dead. They certainly had that part right. Furious was what I was, and the feeling was growing.

[Anya and Xander]
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