HAGIWARA YUKIHO/YUKIHO HAGIWARA (however you prefer \o\)
ITEMS: Backpack containing
basic breeder swagPokeGear
5 Potions
1 Repel and 1 MaxRepel
1 Escape Rope
5 PokeBalls
MONEY: P3000
SETSUKA | Snorunt ♀ | Ability: Inner Focus
Nature: Bold | Highly Persistent
Level: 5
Met At: New Bark Town (Lv. 5)
MovesNotes: Yukiho's starter is energetic and doesn't afraid of anything, rather unlike Yukiho herself. Although the two have just started their ~Pokemon journey~, Setsuka's already demonstrating a tendency to run Yukiho a bit ragged. She likes to jump on Yukiho's shoulders and head.