Not too much to say. I watched the Survivor finale with Dave Y, Zed, Danielle, and my sister. This is . And I still can't believe what happened in the final immunity challenge! I could never imagine doing that, but it shows to me the kind of character that Ian had and the fact that he was probably the most deserving player to win the million.
This has been such a good season of season of Survivor. I'd say it's the best that they've had since Season 4. Why is it that the even-numbered seasons (plus season 1) are the better ones?
There were several alliances, interesting characters, conflicts, neat challenges (like the Home Depot build-a-toilet contest), and wondering every week if Ulong is going to lose yet again. And, of course,
Stephenie is pretty cute!
I went to church at WMB with Christine this morning. I got to meet her brother and sister-in-law. Apparently, hugging is hereditary in her family. :)
I told a couple of SPUCers about the prayer meeting that I was holding in the chapel at 10:30pm (as a replacement for chapel services, since we don't have enough population to warrant the services). No one showed up, so I hung around the chapel for awhile to play some songs on the piano. Katrina showed up around 11pm, so we talked and prayed for each other.
God's timing is pretty cool. Two Fridays ago, I walked home from WCF with my friend Andrew W, and we got to talking the small group that he going to lead. I offered to help him lead it and to give him support from time-to-time; I wouldn't be able to serve as a full co-leader because of donly responsibilities and my desire to focus more on school this term. Anywho, he came by SPUC this afternoon and said that he can't make it this week because of family issues, so I'm now in charge for the week. So it's a good thing that: (a) I offered, and (b) I'm off-duty this week so that I can take his place for the first meeting. God's timing works out pretty well.
Tonight has been very sobering for me. I've seen quite a few things very clearly that I had not realised before. Spending time with God will do that, I guess.