In my many years of travelling from Point A to Point B, there has been something that I have noticed, something that I like to call The Bus Driver's Creed, which goes something like this:
I, whenever driving my bus, will wave at every on-duty bus operator that I pass while driving, regardless of what organisation they are driving for.
Just watch: GRT drivers will wave to school buses, school bus drivers will wave to coaches, coach drivers will wave to public transit, public transit drivers wave to Greyhound, and so on. Sometimes you'll even see bus drivers wave to truckers. It's almost like they're saying to each other, "Yeah, I know what you're going through," or, "It's okay - we're in this together." I find this especially interesting because these two bus drivers have likely never met before and will never likely never meet again.
At some point in my university career, there was one time when I was sitting near the front of the bus and the bus driver {gasp} didn't wave at the oncoming bus driver. I was in shock that someone would so flagrantly violate this (hypothesised) creed. I was going to ask him about it, but I didn't want to make him
tap the sign.
Maybe bus drivers have a secret code. You know, like if they use their left hand then "everything's okay"; if they wave with their thumb pointing down then "these passengers are driving me crazy", and so on.
Has anyone else noticed this, or am I just crazy?