Title: Party is about to start Rating: G Characters/Pairings: Sakurai Sho/Matsumoto Jun Summary: "Sho san, Okite!" Notes/Warnings: First time Fanfic maker :))) I may somehow base from other fic makers . please forgive me >o< This work is pure fiction. What I am about to post is most likely to not happen. Considering Sho's professionalism
[Wake Up Chipmunk! xD]Winter season really is almost always the busiest time Arashi has every year. Kohaku, Guest appearances, Magazine interviews, the list goes on and on. Considering Sho has News Zero this time of the year is somehow stressful yet it is also the most fulfilling time of the month.
Sho's schedule was hectic for the day, he had 3 mag interviews and News Zero just before the last one. This was the last one he had for the day. He was surprised that he was the first one to arrive on set, usually it was Jun or Ohno. He decided to called out to the staff and ask them if other members were already there but were somewhere else. To his surprise the interview was moved to 1 hour later to give the members time to rest knowing their busy schedules. They apologised to Sho for not informing him. It was fine for him really, he just requested that he start already on the photo shoot so he can rest as well. (Knowing Sho, He wants to do work first before rest. ne?) The theme he got was something like coming home from work. He imagined himself coming home from News Zero and took poses with that in mind. He forgot about the whole set when he was reading the newspaper and fell asleep on set.
"Konban wa!" Jun called out to the staff on the way to the set. A staff member was looking at him in a weird way as if to ask a question. He knew he looked unapproachable at times (Due to his DoS image) so he asked her first. "Is there something wrong?". She was startled at first but answered. "Uhm. Sorry for intruding but it seems Sakurai-san fell asleep onset." At her statement, it was Jun's turn to be shocked. Sho falling asleep onset? He asked the staff if the other members were already there to which she replied they weren't. Jun was confused. Why in the world would Sakurai Sho fall asleep on set? Did something happen during News Zero? Is he that tired Being the worry wart he was he kept on wondering what happened. His heart rate was increasing with worry. When he opened the door all his worries faded when he saw Sho's sleeping face. He really loved looking at Sho's chipmunk sleeping face. The perfect way his hair was done for the set, all worries and thoughts of other commitments removed from his face, his perfect pouting lips. Jun was soo glad he was the first one to get there and be the one to look at the chipmunk's face while he was asleep. He was smiling so fondly. He didn't realise a photo was taken. He then woke up Sho with a smile plastered on his face. "Sho san, Okite!" he said almost laughing. Realising that Sho really fell asleep during the photo shoot. Now he had something new to add to his DoS tendencies regarding Sho. His heart was beating faster now as Sho begin to stir. "MatsuJun?" Sho said sleepily. Jun's heart melted right there.
Throughout the photo shoot, Jun's smile never wavered :)
Ok this is the first time ever I will try to post a fanfic so forgive me please >o< I make them look like people who don't have a care in the world @.@ I'm really sorry. but this was the story that came to my head when I first was the pics. I based my fanfic on the 2 pictures below from Josei Seven? Pictures taken from Tumblr. Credit to owner [Josei Seven]
This post is dedicated to my awesome shipper-mates :)) cheeze arashi and Effa Azffa Mahali :) Discussions about this pic got my Sakumoto heart floating to the skies :D