The Moose Legacy 2.2

Jul 06, 2011 17:25

This time we have cute children, the usual invading townies, pizza and Generation 3 already starts digging for gold.

Apple: Do you remember when there were elephants all over the house? Crazy times...

The best time to talk to your plants is definitely when the sprinkler goes off.

I like this picture. It shows one of Ivory's (verocchio ) rare parenting moments.

A wild Sophronia (alleliua ) appears!
I was seriously considering to lock the front door but Ivory's friends are so pretty.

Someone has a lot ouf Outgoing points, I see...

Ivory: I'm married. So, does the idea of a secret romance make me more attractive to you?
Sophronia: *not actually listening*

Romance happened anyway.

And also rejection. Poor Ivory!

Say hi to Napoleon! :D
I see a pattern forming here. The first two children so far were girls, the last was always a boy.

Since her husband died, Bekah (simpurity ) started to stalk her grandchildren. It's not as awesome as it sounds, believe me.

The search for Marvin's mother is on (though, she's actually supposed to live in the sea)

Apple: Why is he in the kitchen? We all know he just burns stuff!

Romeo is such a nice guy...

Alistair (huning ) came by and look at the face he's giving his old friend Bekah.

Seriously? You come by every second day to ring Bekah out of her coffin and this is the face you make when you actually see her? <.<

Marvin grew up. Isn't he adorable? (looks a lot like his mother, though)

Bruce also grew up. She got a lot from her grandmother appearance-wise but totally comes after Ivory in the cooking department XD Also, only one Nice point and if I remember correctly, she's a Fortune sim.

This is Marvin shortly before falling asleep on the floor. In the background you can see Ivory playing SSX 3. Priorites - Ivory has them.

Bekah also has priorites. Feeding the baby that's not hungry is more important than looking after the stinking, screaming toddler. For some reason, she's really obsessed with Napoleon. She feeds him all the time, even though he's not hungry or anything and I think I have a hack to prevent excessive baby obsession. Woody is probably the worst offender, though. He takes tired toddlers out of their cribs for no reason O.o

Violet :D

Ivory and Apple went on a date and this is the want Apple rolled. Are Pleasure sims just Romance sims with less woohoo everyone?

Scream all you want, little Napoleon, your parents are too busy to care.

They're busy testing the hot tub...

My game is full of sims with weird teeth, it seems. Little Shoremoss must be a gold mine for every dentist.

I think this is the moment where Ivory asks himself why exactly he stalked his way into this legacy :D

Also, his wife fell in love with a wooden clone of herself. If this isn't fucked up, I don't know what is.

And they all get along so well :O

Woody reeeeeaaaally wants a car.

Violet has never been to school and then there's two snow days in a row. I was worrying if she would ever see a school from the inside.

One of the many burned omelettes in the Moose household.

Generation 3 is really into making money.

Getting high on lemonade. Must be really good lemonade then.

These two seem to go to the same hairdresser :D

Apple: ...we also have lots of money.
Headmaster: 8D

The Headmaster was very impressed with the wealth of the Mooses.

Meanwhile, Napoleon grew up <3

Then the phone went missing but it's an important part in the weekly challenge.

Healthy Food is for Hippies: All sims in your household may eat only chinese food and/or pizza for one week. Put the fridge into a sim's inventory to make sure no one secretly binges on salad.

Pizza holds a special place in Apple's heart (or more below her heart)

And the fight for the pizza is on! Who will manage to accept the delivery?

And the winner is: THE HEDGE! <.<

Bruce: If I sell this one, I'll make millions...

Violet is selling mostly to her own family. If it keeps her happy, I'm not complaining...

Apple and Ivory sometimes seem to forget they have children.

At some point, Bruce must have gouged her eyes out :O

What? So now you think Ivory is perfectly acceptable? Is this going to be some kind of love square and is love square even a word?

"Hi, I'm Booboo (erykahfairy )! I let myself in to tell you, you have one fine haircut! We should be best friends!"

At this point, I made Woody quit his job >:C

Booboo: Your soup tasted funny.
Bruce: No, it didn't *plus plus*

This isn't only all sorts of wrong, it's all sorts of stupid, too.

Apple really doesn't want to be your friend, Booboo.

I should give them all hippie makeovers and let them live a life of peace and free love. Also, hi Hamlet (alleliua )! :D

Homework faces are my favourite faces.

Ivory: Yeah, I couldn't call you back because I got abducted by aliens several times... no, that's totally the truth.

And now: Marvin spam !

<3 <3 <3

And because the Moose villa is too small for eight sims, it got a third floor and some ten minute decorating.

And next time there'll be more birthdays :D

moose legacy

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