(no subject)

Nov 07, 2008 12:12

Title: It's almost easy.
Rating: pg - 13
Pairing: Max/Jojo/Sadie
Summary: I know everyone thought me and Jude had a thing for a while but that was mostly just experimentation, we both knew there was nothing serious in it.
Warnings: Angst
A.N.: the lyrics are from the song " If you see him/ Ifyou see her" by Brooks & Dunn ft Reba.

also minicomm pimpage : check out Keonig_slash

If you see him, tell him I wish him well. how am I doing? well sometimes
Its hard to tell. I still miss him more than ever. but please dont say a word.
If you see him. if you see him.

Jojo was the first man I ever fell in love with.

I know everyone thought me and Jude had a thing for a while but that was mostly just experimentation, we both knew there was nothing serious in it. Then he fell for Lucy and that pretty much killed it for me.

But no, it was Jojo I gave my heart to that first night I lay safe between him and Sadie.

If you see her, tell her I'm doing fine. and if you want to, say that I think
Of her from time to time. ask her if she ever wonders where we both went wrong.
If you see her. if you see her. I still want her.

Sadie was the only woman I ever fell in love with who understood my need for something more than she could give me. She never judged me, and when I just couldn't hold everything back behind my ever sunny smiles and sarcastic wit; she'd hold me and pet my hair as I cried. She may not have been in my heart as long as Jojo, but I eventually got to the point where I couldn't imagine life without either of them.

And I still need him so. I dont know why we let each other go.

Then I got drafted and it all fell apart. I began to conciously pull away from Sadie and Jojo, hoping to somehow lessen the pain of leaving them, and perhaps to lessen their pain if I died overseas. While I tried to get out of going in the first place, I knew it was hopeless before I even swallowed that first ball of cotton. They broke up before I had even made it acrossed the Atlantic.

If you see her, tell her the lights still on for her.

Lucy sent me letter after letter, telling me all the horrible things that were happening while I was gone, sadie and Jojo's onstage break up, Prudence disappearing again, the fights with Jude...

When that bomb blew up right in front of me I thought for sure the shrapnel would kill me but it seemed I merely exchanged one hell for another.

My little sister was a stranger with sad broken eyes, my best friend was halfway 'round the world, my favorite little asian girl gave me the screaming meemies, which in turn made her cry, and the two people I loved more than anything else couldn't stand to be in the same room with one another let alone work together to help me feel safer.

So I concluded the only thing I could; they didn't love me anymore.

Nothings changed deep down the fire still burns for him. and even if
It takes forever, say I'll still be here.

Lucy told me not to be stupid, but I knew she was wrong. Why else would they avoid me like that?

I could tell they still loved each other though, so I made it my mission toget them back together, them and Jude and Lucy. I knew little Prudence could take care of herself, she's a spitfire.

I wrote to Jude and more or less begged him to come back, to give Lucy a second chance, not that he needed much encouragement.

With Sadie and Jojo I had to be trickier. I locked them in the basement overnight. it seemed to have worked, as they came out the next day all smiles and smelling of sex.

if you see him.

Jojo is still the only man I love. I wish him all the hapiness in the world even if he doesn't want me anymore. So tell him I miss him, but don't tell him I love him.

If you see her.

Sadie is still the only woman who truely understands me. I want her every dream to come true, even if none of them include me. Tell her I wish her the best, but don't tell her I love her.

If you see him. If you see her. 3RD Person POV

Max looked up as the door to his room opened, shoving his journal into the crack between his bed and the wall. He closed his eyes, shook his head, then opened his eyes and looked again.

Sadie and Jojo still stood there smiling at him.

"Hey Max," Sadie purred, "you never did give me back all my stuff."

Max looked at her confused.

Jojo slinked forward until he was right in front of Max, tilting Max's face up with a finger under his chin.

"You got something of mine too pretty boy." He murmured, mere inches away from kissing Max.

Now Max was really confused. He'd never borrowed any of Jojo's stuff. He looked over at Sadie for some explanation.

"You still have half of my heart sugar. And for once I don't want it back." she slid in bed behind him and wrapped her arms around him, bosom pressing comfortably against his thin back.

"Mine too." Jojo said, then kissed him firmly.

And for the first time since he was sent to war, Max felt safe.

fic: max/jojo, max/jojo

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