Pink's MAC Apartment , Contents

Dec 24, 2011 16:40

Pink's flat is usually a big damn mess, clothes and personal items strewn all over, and a cardboard box or two for empty beer cans and liquor bottles. He cleans maybe once a week, and never terribly well.

Significant features/items:
Sketchbook. Watercolor paper, watercolors.
Library books - recent history, music biographies, computer guides. US race relations and extremist groups.
Purchased books - music theory and history, I Ching (Legge translation), "Inside Out" by Nick Mason.
Photo album.
Picture of Bob Geldof tacked to wall, has beer stains and dart holes. Has obviously been used as target practice.
Music nook, with electric guitar, bass, amp, notebooks. Cleanest corner of the apartment. (The wall here has notebook pages neatly tacked up on it that, upon examination, contain lyrics from various songs from The Wall.)
Bootblack kit.
CD player/stereo. Music collection. (I tried to write up an album list, but it got pretty unmanageable. Just. A lot of music, okay? Very broad tastes.)

cnc, info

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