I tried putting up a bunch of pictures from the last two session on an lj-cut, but everything got messed up so i'm not going to do it again. but you can go on facebook because some of the pictures are just really... nice.
Calvin and i were in a huge funk this whole week and it was really bad, and then last night he texted me asking me to come to Chanelle's house, so i went there and it was so much fun, then Dirwin, Delaney, Mimi, Taylor, Ana, Erin, Maggie, Cal, Mandy and i went and slept at Mandy's and it was super fun.
And Calvin and I are super good again and I'm for real happy about that.
PS he looks like a huge diva in this picture.
pps im home this week until friday afternoon so call me up.
ppps aaron nesser i need to see you a lot before you LEAVEEE.