Feb 06, 2008 02:57
"yes. i need them very much.
if you ever say them, i'll never let you take them back."
i'm afraid of our sexual act
time what space
mal modifies
total genital finality
monument construction to moment
act of loss
unconditional expenditure
sons of gods,
sites for ceremonies
fires brew out
places never mentioned
paralysis here
things we lost after
our bodies met
marry me with
an octopus leg ring
tornado warning howls
can't tell worse
sirens or news people
injury banter
this is the new(s)
ask if you can tell whether the noise stopped
got used to it and now
degradation destruction we must experience
phone talk
late learning sessions
put stars next to the items
i don't know
or can't tell
there're too many, a hundred
constellate my list.
blanket like human starch
taste the sweat we made
we're dressed now
instead i open the window
it's over my bed
i'm over my bed
invite the storm,