(no subject)

Aug 01, 2010 16:05

 The heat is finally over. It's 80 degrees and sunny and it feels almost cool, like it's about to be cool. The streets of Baltimore are filled with people again; I walked to Bolton Hill and back and there were so many people outside; boys and teenagers on BMX bikes, the man talking to the police officer showing him the smashed out window on his Jeep, seniors outside the Waxler Center enjoying the breeze. Even the dirt bikers stayed inside during the heat wave, or at least on the west side, but last night Andrew and I saw them crossing Charles Street zipping down Mulberry Street (I never see them going north to south, or south to north; always east to west, or west to east.)

It's 20 degrees cooler. The stores are filled with child-sized khakis, polo shirts, and school supplies. I found some pumpkin spice body lotion and put it on and now I smell like cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and vanilla. There are dead, dried leaves on the ground and when the breeze comes they skitter and scratch across the pavement. It's a little early but it feels like Baltimore's unofficial fifth season has begun; the season of cognitive dissonance, of limbo. (It usually starts around mid-to-late August and lasts till mid-October, but this has been a wacky weather year all around). Fall feels like its' supposed to be coming, encroaching. I expect fall and then it never comes or even begins to come and the summer just lingers, heavy, swollen, in the air. Of all the seasons, this one is the asshole. 
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