Dec 23, 2007 22:14
Ahhh, ok. Some silly and simple questions that i think y'all might be able to answer. So i am working on this mix, it is called "The List". Is it kosher to have one artist/band repeated on the mix? Secondly, is it kosher to have a song repeated on the list even if it is done by 2 distinctly different artists?
OK, so here is "The List" You tell me.
1) What i got. Sublime
2) Little wing. Stevie ray Vaughan
3) Romeo and Juliet. On the rocks
4) Sleeping in. Postal service
5) Bang Bang. Dispatch
6) Bohemian Rhapsody. Queen
7) All along the watch tower. Jimi Hendrix
8) Pride and Joy. Stevie Ray Vaughan
9) Dulger. Omar Faruk Tekbilek (Perfect love's dance if any one saw Arabian nights)
10) Un Simple Historie (A simple story). Thievery Corporation
11) Mohamad Bouya Mohames. Ilham Al Madfai (The family dance, if you saw Arabian Nights.)
12) All Along the Watchtower. Bob Dylan
13) Refuge. Matisyahu
14) Road Trippin'. Red Hot Chili Peppers
15) Something about us. Daft Punk
16) Punky's Dilema. Paul Simon
17) LInus and Lucy. Vince Gauraldi
18) The Show must go on. Pink Floyd
Side note- The middle feels a little weak to me. I don't know, just insecure. Beh.
Just listened to the mix for the first time straight through. Thats where "side note" comes in. Thinking about replacing Bohemian rhapsody with Fat bottomed girls. Also i don't like the second stevie ray vaughan song, just doesn't fit. also thinking about nixing the dylan tune, maybe for another one, same goes for the chili pepers song but i don't know what i would replace it with. Maybe a different ending, end on a higher note or something. There needs to be a Pink Floyd song on the list or it isn't "The List"