Woo Hoo

Aug 20, 2007 14:57

Alright so, the boat's in the carpark at the Grotto.  It doesn't not have a name and needs a couple of weekends of work before being in ship shape as it were.  Thats the good news.  The great news goes like this: ALyssa's mom gave us a hundered bucks to start the repairs with.  Does any body have a spatula that i can borrow to scrape my jaw off the ground with?

In other news, the house is not looking so promising.  The room that Matt and i have to share is kind of shitty.  And when i say shitty i mean a hair's breadth larger then a trimble room.  So ballsack.  That means my three options are to suck it up and share, move into the basement of the house which is shady cause there is alot of uncovered insulation and well, i'll let your imagination do the rest.  Its interesting.  And last and possibily the most, is move back into the Outhaus, back into my old room.  Whoa!  Gist of the story is this, the sorting hat has yet to decide.

And a personal note.  The weeklies here rock.  In colorado springs there is the independant.  Here i get a double dose in The stranger and the Seattle weekly. Woot!
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