You take my piece of flesh - I take yours.

May 06, 2006 00:49

After a close call when Spike had needed to go to the little boy’s room in a house owned by women, Joyce had gone out to a gallery event. Buffy hadn’t gotten home yet, and the twilight had all but settled to dark. As he paced up and down Buffy’s bedroom, he found himself glad again that he hadn’t just opened the window and peed on the roof outside. Apart from the flamey-ness that was sure to have ensued from that event, Spike was sure that the only thing that could make this waiting more tedious was smelling his own urine as he stalked.

He looked out the window yet again. Nothing had changed. Spike narrowed his eyes, lingering a moment longer to make sure, before swinging away from the ledge with a low growl in the back of his throat.

He stood in the front doorway of the Summers’ house and opened the door before Angelus reached it.

“Well, well,” said Spike, “Look-ee what the cat dragged in.”

Angelus raised his eyebrows speculatively. “Spike. You’re looking… well.”

“Yeah, it’s this new treatment I’ve been all over,” Spike said, trying to keep Angelus talking and distracted. Who knew if he still had an invite here. “Actually, got you to thank for that, seeing as how you gave me the idea for it and all.”

Brow lowering, Angelus peered at his childe in contemplation. “Could it be that you’ve actually done the slayer in?” He paused, just long enough to give Spike the illusion that he bought the idea, before, “Nah, you don’t have the brains or the resources for that. Much more likely you’ve been making moon-eyes at her from afar.” He leaned against the doorframe. “Might I say that I am impressed you got yourself such a cozy little invite so soon. One could almost suspect you’ve been giving away secrets to worm your way in so close, so soon.”

Spike blinked, but refused to be on the back leg for too long. Had to get this conversation back on track, his track, right quick! “Well hey, I figured it was fair game, you know? You take my piece of flesh - I take yours.”

Angelus chuckled, and the very sound of it chilled Spike through. “Stupid childe. You know that’s only charity I handed you, in lieu... of myself.”

“Bollocks!” Spike returned, angry.

“Angel.” A new voice came into the fold. Spike stepped back, muttering a silent, ‘Bloody hell,’ under his breath. “Or should I say, Angelus,” Buffy said.

“Buff, fancy meeting a girl like you in a place like this,” Angelus said. His head drew up and all amusement left his voice when he saw Willow coming up behind her. “What is this?” he growled.

“Sorry, Angel. Changed the locks,” Buffy said harshly.

Willow uttered some words stiltedly, deliberately avoiding Angelus’ eyes; finishing them just as Angelus pounded his fist against a suddenly invisible barrier.

“You’re a very bad man,” Spike taunted.

“You shouldn’t have come back, Angel.”

500 words for slashthedrabble's Charity challenge.


Looking up into Buffy’s bedroom window, Spike’s eyes widened, lowering… Willow bit her lip as she mentally envisioned what Buffy had confided to her.

“You hate me, don’t you?” Buffy asked, when her best friend didn’t say anything.

“No! Buffy… I still love you,” Willow reassured her. “Totally. Nothing you could do would stop that. I just… We need to do something about Angelus, if even Spike is…” She breathed, forcing herself to be okay with this.

“I know. I was thinking, something to stop him coming into my house-” Buffy started.

“I was thinking, something to reinsoul him.”

100 words for windles_orbit's First Line (from previous) Drabbles challenge.

I'm writing this early as I'm moving house later this weekend and won't have time to write it later today. Hope nobody minds! Please choose from:
1. The three of them start talking about the spell to reinsoul Angelus.

2. Whistler walks in and starts eating their food.

3. Giles is concerned about Buffy's interests.

'becoming 1 & 2'

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