
Apr 22, 2006 11:21

Here's the deal. I'll write a list of ten things I'd love to see in a fic or art manip, from vague to specific. If you answer one of my requests, post it along with your own list, and I'll write you fic in return. I know I have a lot of fanfic artists on here, so this could be a fun way to while away some time outside of the drabbles I'm playing with presently.

1. Spike/Dawn - including a motorbike
2. Buffy/Angel - with Buffy as a vampire
3. Willow/Angelus - with her dead fish
4. Caleb - anything before Season 7
5. Willow/Alyson, Fred/Amy, Wes/Alexis - love triangle
6. Lorne/Spike - use the word 'sweetcakes'
7. Xander - slash set in Season 1
8. Cordelia/Darth Willow - Season 6BtVS/Season 3AtS
9. Ethan Raine - whatever happened to him?
10. William/Angelus - in the old days

Have Fun!


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