Voting Closed- Such a great turn out last chapter!!

Apr 20, 2006 13:09

Willow lay panting. She’d never known she could feel like that. Turning her head slightly, she saw Faith’s eyes steadily on her. “The little bookworm,” Faith said lazily. “Recovered yet?”

The redhead’s eyebrows raised a little in the defenseless way she had sometimes. Faith smirked, “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

The slayer rolled to her back, relaxing for a moment. Then she was immediately tenesd as a demon leaped across her. “Red, move,” Faith gritted out as she tackled the unknown demon with both hands. Grabbing a knife from her boot as she rolled over so it was on its back with Faith straddling it. Faith held it immobilised by the knife at its throat.

“Now, you’re gonna tell me - nice and slow - what the fuck you think you’re doing here,” Faith said, adding extra pressure to the knife and drawing a thin line of blue blood.

Willow stood aside, her eyes darting from Faith to demon, utterly unknowing of what to do.

“Faith,” the thing choked, “A friend sent me. I got a little remembrance from him-”

The cracking of the demon’s neck sent a jolt through Willow. While those hands had been occupied on her, she had forgotten exactly what else they could be capable of. Alternating between soft and penetratingly hard; they had only seemed rougher when Willow’s whimpers had asked for it.

Faith caught Willow’s movement out of the corner of her eye and stood up. Willow couldn’t help stepping back, and found she was suddenly pressed against cold, stone wall. When Faith, directly in front of her, lifted a hand, Willow cringed, about to get hit. Instead, it was a softer caress that touched her cheek.

Willow looked at the brunette slayer in confusion.

“You’re shaking,” Faith told her, like she didn’t understand.

Avoiding her slayer’s eyes, Willow stared steadily at the stone floor where the demon now lay dead.

“Why?” Faith narrowed her eyes and took Willow’s jaw in her hand and forcing her to look at her. “I'd never let it hurt you.”

Shock came unmasked to Willow’s eyes before she could do anything to stop it. Faith realised too late that she’d said more than she intended. Immediately, she dropped her hand from Willow’s jaw and turned away. As she took steps further away from the redhead witch, she let the words linger behind her:

“You know… I’d do that damage myself.”

Written for slashthedrabble's "Faith" challenge.

Please choose from these options for the next chapter:
1. They run into Buffy

2. Spike catches sight of them

3. Xander happens across them

'this year's girl'

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