wee update

Nov 24, 2008 17:20

Spent good half of last week in Edinburgh, was great fun. Got the ferry over, fast one took 1.30 hours, then the train to crewe and up to Edinburgh. The trip was well lubricated with cheap beer :D Arrived in Edinburgh about 8.30pm and headed straight out on the town :D Woke up feeling a little worse for wear and decided hangovers called for a steamy bowl of soup. We then went and spent three hours exploring the castle, which well and truly rocks!
The apartment we stayed in was pretty cool holyrood aprthotel they call themselves. Two rooms with superking size beds, one with ensuite, and a decent sized kitchen/ living room. Plus hamped with bread, jams, cerals, riveta, shortbread, milk OJ yogurts all thrown in the deal. Was well impressed considering the price :D Went on a ghost tour too, quite good. Had coffee in the Elephant House Cafe that Harry Potter was written in ( though the cafe just beside it is actually nicer ) Went to the Frankenstien nighhtclub which is nowhere near as cheesy as it sounds and has great platter deals... plus a godd deal on an icebucket full of corona :D
All in all pretty good trip though the train was a good experience I think I'll be flying in future ( granted on the train/ferry for 90 return you can bring back as many bags as you can carry for no extra price )
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