Trying to post from work. Even replying to posts is a pain sometimes. So if some of my posts seem like they were cut of in the middle, or even replies that stop dead; it's because of work. I get typing something in a particular mindset, then sure enough something happens on the phone that jerks me out of it and instead of going off on a different
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Comments 3
Wow its quiet here. The phone will ring though and someone stupid will be on the other end and I'll get irritated and frustrated. I might lose my temper but then I will think of you and all the frickin morons you deal with and laugh unitl I have to pee.
2 days of work, then 1 day off, then 7 days of work, then 1 day off, then 1 day of work, 2 days off. Tis gonna be a rough couple of weeks.
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