Best of 2009

Dec 08, 2009 21:14

Finally, the list! I posted YouTube links for the songs I could find.

01) Ashita ga Kurunara (If Tomorrow Ever Comes) JUJU with JAY’ED (single)
Eternal thanks to whoever it was on my f-list who posted this PV sometime in the spring. Can't rave enough about it, just love it so much! And it introduced me to both JUJU and Jay'ed, who you'll see a lot more of on my list for 2009!

02) “The Road” Clazziquai from Mucho Punk
My love for this group grew astronomically this year, in big part to Alex's amazing vocals, highlighted in this song (sorry, no actual PV but you can hear the song at least)

03) “Take a Walk” Clazziquai from Mucho Punk
Really gorgeous song. This time Horan takes the lead.

04) スタートライン (Start Line) 20th Century from Spirit single
ahh, this song, how can I resist it, especially after the acoustic performance they put out on the '09 concert DVD! too bad they didn't do the whole song for SCP.

05) “Know-body Knows” 20th Century from Live Tour 2008

06) 素直になれたら JUJU from What’s Love?
and JUJU begins her takeover of my list! this is one of those songs I put on 'repeat' often, especially in the car.
Here's an alternate version that's an actual PV, quite different: Spontania feat.JUJU

07) “What’s Love?” JUJU from What’s Love?
(really could include almost the entire CD)

08) どうかよろしく。 V6 from Spirit single

09) 春を待とう Inohara Yoshihiko from 20th Century Live Tour 2008
sniff sniff, makes me want to cry whenever I hear it!

10) “I can be free” JUJU from What’s Love?
wow, she really IS taking over the list!

11) “Medicine” V6 from Guilty single

12) 蜃気楼 V6 from Guilty single

13) “Sunshine” Jay’ed from Musication

14) “PROMiSE” MiChi from ChaNge the WoRLd single
I got into MiChi b/c she did the theme song for the drama Kiina (I know this live performance says 2008, but the song is on her '09 single!) I'm totally hooked on three of the four songs off this single. I'll have to check out more of her stuff.

15) “One of a Kind” MiChi from ChaNge the WoRLd single

16) "Pushed Aside, Pulled Apart" Lyrics Born from an upcoming album
Lyrics Born performed at our music show for the film fest this year and I loved him/them! Love the lyrics, especially! This is another song I tend to put on 'repeat' once it starts! I think this is the only English-language song on my list this year.

17) “Number 2 Heaven” Jay’ed from Musication
SUCH a pretty song! I just can't get enough of his voice, so gorgeous!

18) “ChaNge the WoRLd” MiChi from ChaNge the WoRLd single
This song was the theme for Kiina. I've actually gotten into a LOT of artists from drama or movie songs!

19) “Cry for You” Jay’ed from Musication
here's a live version, too! soooo pretty!

20) 明日の傘 V6 from Spirit

21) “again” YUI (single)
I seriously need to pay more attention to YUI. I've only heard a few of her songs (mostly seem to be ballads) and none have hooked me like this one, which apparently is one of the theme songs to the new FMA series.

22) “Love of Iris” Shin SeungHoon from Iris OST
another beautiful ballad from Shin SeungHoon. for those who have seen the film "My Sassy Girl", he did the theme song for that, I Believe

23) “Map the Soul” Epik High from Map the Soul
Haven't been crazy about Epik's last couple discs, but this one is amazing!

24) "Hallelujah" Big Bang from Iris OST
I'm not a Big Bang fan, and I don't anticipate becoming one, but this song is freakin' addictive!

25) "Wannabe" Epik High from [e]
Ya, I know a lot of fans didn't like this PV, but I really like the song, and it's the only one that stands out for me off the whole CD, so here it is!

OK, a lot went into my consideration of which songs made it on my list, and the order (though sometimes it was like pulling names out of a grab bag to decide what the order would be). One is longevity. By that I mean do I think it's music I'll still want to listen to a year from now? and also is it a group or singer who has already proven to have longevity for me? Honestly, I thought both of V6's singles this year were very blah, but some of the b-sides were very catchy, so those made the list though if they'd been sung by any other group I probably wouldn't pay much attention to them. New artists that I'm sure I'll keep listening to are [clearly] JUJU and Jay'ed. Some I'm still testing out are MiChi and YUI, while Shin SeungHoon and Clazziquai are old standbys!

PS if anyone wants MP3s of any of the songs, let me know!

PPS speaking of MiChi, went shopping at YesAsia and discovered she released a full CD this year. Ya, I haven't been paying enough attention! Guess that's what working four jobs did to me! Meanwhile, found a nice live on YouTube:

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