Nov 03, 2006 02:00
Ask anyone that knows me on a personal level and they'll pretty much agree that it takes a lot, and I mean a whole fucking lot to piss me off royally.
I had a "confrontation" with someone today that I'm still upset over. I say "confrontation" in quotes because it happened via IM. Without going into too much detail (because I don't want the person this was said about, who reads this, to know anything other than I had his back), this ignorant person I was talking to made a comment about seeing these two friends of mine out and a little something extra they do together.
I don't know if it was the choice of words he used, the tone in which I knew it would have been vocalized with, or the fact that this fucker was being serious, but whatever it was, it lit a fire under me and I began to rip into him.
When I completed by little "Cybil goes apeshit" moment, he just replied back, "God, I don't know what you're bitching about. It's not like it affects you." Well, ya know what, asshat, it does.
In the course of going off, I realized that even though I have no blood family here, there are a group of friends here that I wouldn't consider my family, because they ARE my family... and when you say something or attack someone in my family, I'm going to go for the jugular.
So to the person this was said about, I'm so sorry that this fucktard had to go an verbalize his ignorance. Some people are just shit. But know this, had it been said to me in person, you might not be reading this cause I would have lunged forward and beat the shit out of him.
Yes, yes, I know... violence isn't the answer... but, still. You and someone else have ALWAYS been there when and if I needed ya... and for that you'll always be a part of my family.
[cue the sappy violin music]