Prom: I didn't go.

Apr 28, 2007 20:56

I just want you all to know:

Sometime soon I will transcribe the message Lavena left on my phone.

But I'll do it later, because I'm too lazy to do it now.

What you need to know is that her mom makes really good steak, and no matter how much and hard I try, I'm always going to look like a hooker in this prom dress.

It's just a good thing I didn't put on the lipstick; that just kind of made everything worse.

Lavena and Sophie went off to Prom; Lauren and I went to our respective homes...we'll probably just sit there. Actually, I'm going to bed soon, 'cause I have to be at Saint Mark's at 8:30 in order to help with Cathedral Day, the day the youth makes pancakes. Besides, since my dad doesn't know as much about computers as he thinks he does, he has three hours of work to do, re-putting pics on the computer.
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