Shamelessly gakked, and slightly modified, from
- Ever wonder what fictional character you'd be paired up with? Well, wonder no more!
- Post this in your journal, along with the list of your fandoms, and let's see who people think you'd be good with.
- Explanations are nice; they aren't necessary.
- Have fun.
My fandoms (or at least obsessions), past and present:
BtVS, Daria, Dexter, Farscape, HP, H5-0, Heroes, Inception, Lost, SPN, XF.
So "Mana'o" had lots of potential for slash, y/y?
-Chin Ho reassuring Danny that IA suspicion does not equal guilt: EmotionalOutlet!sex.
-Danny reassuring Chin Ho of his (Chin's) integrity... : Comfort!sex.
- ...and of his own (Danny's) support: ThankYou!sex.
-Steve and Danny trying to blend in at a modern art exhibit: GayUndercover!sex.
-Steve meets Danny outside the correctional facility: Reassurance!sex.
-Steve and Danny after the funeral: MOAR comfort!sex
-Danny's prom-date joke: Reliving-Adolescence!Sex, with bonus option for fumbling, awkwardness, bad sex, or virgin!kink
-Steve and Danny post-unconventional interrogation: AdrenalineHigh!-IllicitThrill!-Torture!Porn!-Wild!Night!-Blasting!HardRock-Panoramic!Night-Sky-AuthorityKink-Reckless!Driving-Hey-We're-Two-Hot-Guys-with-a-Bitchin'Classic!Car!Sex.
And that is all.
(Until it isn't.)