Gakked from
Genderswap - If it's well-handled and clever, it can be a lot of fun.
Bodyswap - I've never really liked it.
Drunk!fic - Yep. Good excuse, good ensuing opportunities for Character Things. Or just more sex after the hangover, honestly.
Huddling together for warmth - Why not?
Undercover in a gay bar - If it's a fandom where undercover work is at all reasonable, then yes.
Pretending to be married - No.
Secretly a virgin - No. Virginity in fic works when there's a reason for a character to be a virgin. Sometimes there is: in Lost, for example, Jack as in denial about (part of) his sexuality, or people having to make do on the island. Of course, I write a lot of Alex, and she almost certainly is a virgin (PRESENT TENSE, BITCHES), so if sex/sexuality is at all a part of the story, that aspect has to come up. But I am not a fan of gratuitous or surprise virginity.
Amnesia - For me this holds no appeal whatsoever.
Cross-dressing - Generally not, but the occasional piece will catch my fancy.
Forced to share a bed - Why not? If you're forced to share a bed, you might as well make the best of it.
Aliens made them do it - No, although there's a hilarious X-Men fic where this is the case.
Wingfic - If it's done correctly. It drives me CRAZY when Castiel's obviously avian wings are depicted as prehensile and bat-like, or when, hypothetically, Bruce Wayne flies or fondles like a bird.
Mpreg - On second thought, Castiel's wings can be as batlike as you want them.
Mistakenly assumed to be gay - Very rarely a good way to deal with a character's sexuality.
Let's play truth or dare - Only if they're very drunk, or in a crack fic.
Mary Sue fic - If she dies horribly in Paragraph 1.
Aphrodisiacs - Erm, yes. As long as there's enough lube.
Curtain fic - Bores me, usually.
Hurt/Comfort - I am a pathetic sucker for good hurt/comfort.
Apocalypse fic - If there's a good reason for there to be an apocalypse, then yes. And if it ends at least semi-happily for the characters that I actually like.
Someone has a baby - This hardly ever goes well when there's not a baby in canon. Actually, it hardly ever goes well even when there is. I have broken this rule, though.
Baby!fic - Major squick.
Telepathic soulbonding - No.
Werewolves mate for life - Not quite as bad as telepathic soulbonding. But also not exactly good.
Wow. I'm fairly picky. And I'm slightly disappointed by the omission of kitten!fic.