Title: Pollen: I. Pistil Summary: Danielle and Robert share one of the early days on the island. Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: No money made here. Lost is not mine. Author’s note: For
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I think this fic is where they coined the term bittersweet. I just sat here for a moment after reading feeling this mix of sweetness between them and sadness knowing how all of this will end. It's interesting to look at Danielle and imagine what it was like before all of this happened - to pick tiny facets of her personality now and try to reconstruct all she used to be. The little teasing between them about Alex being either a boy or girl was sweet (and so fitting considering the name!)
That was wonderful! Your pre-island Danielle is something perfect, I so could picture her being like this and, ironically enough, keeping them sane. And there's a so well balanced sweetness in this that thinking what is going to happen is kind of heartbreaking, but anyway, great job also with Robert and the way you portrayed their relationship, they look so in love/at ease with each other.. and I really liked the fact that they argue whether Alex is a boy or a girl, just great. Now we have to find a name for Danielle/Robert though ;)
Now we have to find a name for Danielle/Robert though ;) We do, don't we? So many ships lend themselves to "Sex and Death on the Beach"... "Shot Through the Heart," if we like the '80s pop culture thing, but I'm not sure of that.
And Danielle gets laid! Poor woman needs it!
Seriously, it's great to hear that you liked this bit. Many thanks for reading, and for the encouragement!
Well.. Bon Jovi is my not-so-guilty pleasure, so I'll take that name anytime. And me thinking that only four people in the known universe remember that song... ;) I'm on the pop culture ship in this (and Bad Medicine's) case all the way!
Don't worry, other people remember it! ('80s retro is sort of a popular once-a-week thing at a lot of clubs in North America and Britain, and a radio special sort of thing. I kinda like it.;) Yes, those two could indeed be something like Through the Heart... although the promised Danielle flashback could also yield interesting things!
I always feel bad for Danielle whenever I think about her situation. Danielle's such an interesting character like that, so admirable in some ways and so pitiable (or is it pitiful?) in others. It speaks well to the writing, directing, and acting of the show, I think, that Danielle attempted the whole baby switch con at the end of S1 and yet still came off as... mad not bad, as it were. Pathetic more than evil. It's really hard not to feel bad for her.
Your son was born during S1? Wow! Admiration for you too - I don't think I'd have been able to watch those story arcs! I mean, I get all insane and hormonal over the thought of small helpless things even from PMS/PMT. Those scenes must have hit you pretty hard, to understate things.
(And speaking of small helpless things: OMG meerkats! Their TV programme made me cry so much!)
Anyway, it's great to hear that this fic worked for you. Thanks for reading, and for your encouragement!
Oh, those dastardly meercats and their passive/agressiveness.
They had me in floods when E was tiny, too!
Clare's birth scene was quite laughable, though I'd have chosen another mother over Kate or a spinal surgeon any day.
We always chuckle over Sayid getting bopped on the head by Locke in S1, because it was that making me jump that brought on labour!!
There can't be many roles in which Naveen Andrews has got pregnant women going...
You're right about the writing too - so often it's the crazy lady just being crazy in these things. I love that she has genuine reasons for being the way she is - and that the other characters are able to recognise that.
One of the most moving moments for me is when Clare realises that Danielle was trying to help her - not the others. Powerful stuff.
And I'm always delighted when you champion Danielle/Alex in your fics. It's great to read.
(There's sort of a small helpless thing in my icon, although I think it's just Emilie de Ravin holding a bundled-up doll.) I can well imagine that the meerkats had you weeping! I couldn't even stand to watch a lot of the most recent season, even when I was in North America for the holidays (I've relocated from Canada to Britain recently) - Sean Astin, of all people, narrates, and even he isn't reassuring enough to make it all better.
Um, anyway... I will never get over the fact that Sayid and Locke brought on your labour. That is unbelievably fabulous. As for baby Aaron... Yeah, the birth scene was hilarious! Seriously, I'm not a mother, and I could tell you that from a few bio classes and listening to my mother and aunts! Crazy... I think I'd want someone with at least medical training and an obstetrics rotation during medical residency over someone with no training at all... and a mother there attending! Or, failing that, pretty much anyone besides Kate. Possibly even a boar.
so often it's the crazy lady just being crazy in these
( ... )
After your author's note I expected this to be some wild sex romp, instead I found myself getting teary. I agree completely with Tinkerbell's "bittersweet" comment. I love how calm Danielle is in this because calm is something I still associate with her, despite eveything else. Great work!
After your author's note I expected this to be some wild sex romp, instead I found myself getting teary. Oh, yeah. Um, sorry about that... *wibbles.* There might be more of a wild sex romp... oh, who am I kidding? I really doubt I'll ever manage to write one. This does stray rather far from the prompt idea, I suppose. But I am glad that you found the balance of the sweet and the bitter to be tenable.
calm is something I still associate with her, despite everything else. She does always stay relatively collected - we've never really seen her get histrionic or lose control of her temper, unlike most of the castaways. I suppose she has a way of doing whatever she thinks needs to be done without getting too worked up about it, even if the psychological consequences of it will be... not the happiest, shall we say.
Oh, this brought tears to my eyes. What a lovely insight into pre-tragedy Danielle. Love that it's Robert who's ultimately right about Alex's being a girl...And his imaginings of her growing up on the island are so very bittersweet. So well done!
Comments 20
Well done :-)
And Danielle gets laid!
Seriously, that was a great piece, compliments!
We do, don't we? So many ships lend themselves to "Sex and Death on the Beach"... "Shot Through the Heart," if we like the '80s pop culture thing, but I'm not sure of that.
And Danielle gets laid!
Poor woman needs it!
Seriously, it's great to hear that you liked this bit. Many thanks for reading, and for the encouragement!
My son was born during the first run of Lost, and I think it made her story (and Clare's) sharper for me.
But this was good!
Danielle's such an interesting character like that, so admirable in some ways and so pitiable (or is it pitiful?) in others. It speaks well to the writing, directing, and acting of the show, I think, that Danielle attempted the whole baby switch con at the end of S1 and yet still came off as... mad not bad, as it were. Pathetic more than evil. It's really hard not to feel bad for her.
Your son was born during S1? Wow! Admiration for you too - I don't think I'd have been able to watch those story arcs! I mean, I get all insane and hormonal over the thought of small helpless things even from PMS/PMT. Those scenes must have hit you pretty hard, to understate things.
(And speaking of small helpless things: OMG meerkats! Their TV programme made me cry so much!)
Anyway, it's great to hear that this fic worked for you. Thanks for reading, and for your encouragement!
They had me in floods when E was tiny, too!
Clare's birth scene was quite laughable, though I'd have chosen another mother over Kate or a spinal surgeon any day.
We always chuckle over Sayid getting bopped on the head by Locke in S1, because it was that making me jump that brought on labour!!
There can't be many roles in which Naveen Andrews has got pregnant women going...
You're right about the writing too - so often it's the crazy lady just being crazy in these things. I love that she has genuine reasons for being the way she is - and that the other characters are able to recognise that.
One of the most moving moments for me is when Clare realises that Danielle was trying to help her - not the others. Powerful stuff.
And I'm always delighted when you champion Danielle/Alex in your fics. It's great to read.
Um, anyway... I will never get over the fact that Sayid and Locke brought on your labour. That is unbelievably fabulous. As for baby Aaron... Yeah, the birth scene was hilarious! Seriously, I'm not a mother, and I could tell you that from a few bio classes and listening to my mother and aunts! Crazy... I think I'd want someone with at least medical training and an obstetrics rotation during medical residency over someone with no training at all... and a mother there attending! Or, failing that, pretty much anyone besides Kate. Possibly even a boar.
so often it's the crazy lady just being crazy in these ( ... )
Oh, yeah. Um, sorry about that... *wibbles.* There might be more of a wild sex romp... oh, who am I kidding? I really doubt I'll ever manage to write one. This does stray rather far from the prompt idea, I suppose. But I am glad that you found the balance of the sweet and the bitter to be tenable.
calm is something I still associate with her, despite everything else.
She does always stay relatively collected - we've never really seen her get histrionic or lose control of her temper, unlike most of the castaways. I suppose she has a way of doing whatever she thinks needs to be done without getting too worked up about it, even if the psychological consequences of it will be... not the happiest, shall we say.
Thanks for stopping by, and for your support!
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