First off, happy New Year to everyone. I really need to check in here more often... is it wishful thinking, or is LJ a little less dead than it was six months ago? I do hope so, because none of the open-source clones like Dreamwidth ever seemed to take off, and Tumblr just SUCKS. I mean, I have one, but Tumblr is like the shameful bastard of Microsoft and AOL, and I HATE IT, do you hear me, I HATE IT.
I won't try and do a whole long catch-up post, because nothing terribly interesting has happened since my last one (except some epic hairballs). The main fannish thing is that
zelda_zee introduced me to Patrick Rothfuss'
Kingkiller Chronicle trilogy (The Name of the Wind, The Wise Man's Fear, and tentatively The Doors of Stone). Such awesome books -- read them! They really need more of a fandom, because they beg for all kinds of derivative transformative works and analysis beyond the plot speculation that currently abounds.* I'm hopeful that more of one will emerge with increased exposure from the planned
TV series. I've taken to dream-casting it a little on my
blasted Tumblr; maybe I'll post something here if anything coherent ever emerges.