Super Junior Q&A ^^;

Jun 28, 2009 22:04

taken from Syohyunnie who stole it from SUJU COM.  8D

1.fav member : HANGENG!! :D [SuJu's CHINAMAN~ ^^]
2. (BE HONEST) yes or no: i memorized all thirteen members' names : of course~! :D
3. Only 13 or iLOVEhenry&zhoumi: iLOVEhenry&zhoumi all the way! :3
4. how many pictures do you have of suju (you dont have to be exact): holy effing Siwon... :O 498...BUT WAIT!! including individual folders for EACH MEMBER...1214...and I haven't even started some members yet... @__@ life? what life? I have none! 8D *bricked*
5. have you ever switched favorite members?(be specific who): NEVER!!! D:< I just had a hard time trying to point out Hangeng in the beginning X3
6. cutest member: Hangeng~ [MY BIAS LET ME SHOW YOU IN ALL CAPS >:D]
(for eight they all need to be different and i know its hard but only one)
8a.member you would like to marry: Hangeng <333
8b. member you would like to date: Yesung
8c. member you would like as a best friend: Siwon
8d.member you would like as a pet&what animal: Kyuhyunnie as a puppy because he's just too adorable! >w<
9.prettiest member: Heechul *O* singer: Kyuhyun~
11.member you think deserves more love than they get: Shindong >:O
12.member you think is most like yourself: Hangeng [because Syohyunnie said so :D]
13.member you find yourself jealous of all the time and why: a lot of members, but I'm going to have to say Siwon. He's always such a gentleman, and he constantly works out to stay in amazing shape *O* also, he is such a good person and he's so dedicated to his religion! >__< what CAN'T he do?! @__@ ILYSM dressed member: Hangeng ...because I'm biased...because he's sexy...because he's a dork...because he's MY SEXY DORK...and because I have the most pictures of him...SO THERE. >:3
15.funniest member: that monkey Eunhyuk :D
16.weirdest couple(between the members): Shindong x Ryeowook o__O?
17.OTP(between the members): SIHAN FOR THE EFFING WIN!!! 8D

random, survey, super junior

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