Oct 13, 2009 01:18
I was talking to a girl I work with when I was on my lunch break tonight. She said she grew up in Hampden all her life, so I asked her if she went to Hampden Academy (lol). She said yes, so I asked what year she graduated. She said '09 (which, oh my god, right? And that surprised me, too, because I thought she was probably 21/22, but apparently not). So I said, 'oh, well, I dated a guy from Hampden for a while, but he graduated in '02 so you never went to school with him,' something along those lines.
She gives me this shocked look. Like, I'm pretty sure her mouth was actually gaping open. So I looked at her for a second, and said, "well, I graduated in '03..." She continues the shocked look for a minute, and then tells me, apologizing, that she had thought I was a year or two younger than her. I asked how old she is, and she's 18.
Moral of the story: an 18 year old coworker of mine thought I was 16. When I am in fact perilously close to 24.
LOL and omgwtf at the same time. Mostly LOL.
Her shocked face was priceless.