On to business

Jul 04, 2013 00:33

Since everything seems to be settling down I have turned my attention to the classes and extra curricular activities offered. While the curriculum for the classes seems quite well put together I have found that the clubs seem to general lack a certain...savoir faire. And since I have decided to put myself forward to be elected onto the student council I have taken it upon myself to think of a number of new alternative clubs. Now as for the requirements, I have been informed that each new club will require a minimum of ten members, a supporting staff member and the approval of the Dean.

Now as for the first step these are some of the ideas for clubs I found most appealing - do let me know which sound best to you and once enough people have signed on we will proceed with the next step.

[For this rank the five proffered clubs from 5 - best to 1 - least prefered. I'm sure I don't have to say that everybody only has one vote.]

Poll clubs I'd like to join


Upon demand a Culinary Club and a Martial Arts Club have been added. Comment if you are interested in either

atobe for president, organizing like a boss

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