"ASTIG", an experimental digital film, written and directed by independent film maker Jon Red. Shot on mini-digtal video, it stars Robin Padilla and tells the story from the point of view and through the eyes of Bien, an assasin who suffers from astigmatism. To achieve this effect, Robin also worked as camera operator while portraying the role of the killer. Other cast members include Albert Martinez, Francis M, Jeffrey Quizon, Alessandra de Rossi, Ronnie Lazaro, Jaime Fabregas, Nonie Buencamino, Sharmaine Centenera, Dido dela Paz, Errol Dionisio, Maverick and Ariel, Jackie Castillejo, China Cojuanco, Hector Macaso, Sig Sanchez, Raul Morit, Benjie Felipe, Gary Rada and Tado. Produced by Pelipula.
good good movie! you should watch it.