Apr 12, 2005 23:30
I feel really bad for saying that I would be updaitng regularly and then not. So here goes, marathon update: (Starting today and going back)
Today it was rainy out, which really sucked. The Democratic Party of Wisconsin didn't need me today, so i was free all afternoon, and it was rainy. So i took a nap, in my bed, from 2 until after my roundtable class ended. So yet again, i missed that class. Last week it was because of elections. Then tonight I wrote up what seems to a constitution with two friends for a group advising on events in my new dorm for next year. That was exciting. Well, maybe more so then it should have been.
Yesterday May have been a little more exciting, I registered for classes. I am now taking 18 credits next year... exlcuding Tibetan, for which i have to drop a class to fit it in.
My Schedule as of now is as such:
9;30a Field Methods II -e.i. Linguistics course dealing with field research.
11:00a General Phonics
1:00p LCA Bascom course-e.i. an elimentry writing course dealing with south east Asia
2:30p Syntax
Tuesday 7:15p Philosophy concepts of Teaching and learning -This course should be interesting, I have no idea what it is.
Wednesday 5:30p the AMRC (Alexandar Michealjohn residential college, the dorm i'll be living in next year, yay!) corner stone course.
Yeah, basically i only have class two days a week, excluding wednesday night. But it is full of power lectures. stay tuned on more developments with my schedule... which is bound to change once i know when my tibetan is and more fun stuff like that.
Okay, so now we're back to last weekend and a Democratic Convention. I got to learn all about the democratic Party and more exciting stuff too... like how to set up a campaign office and how to defeat the republicans. There was a great deal of anti-republican sentiment, it was quite interesting and something that i wouldn't mind studying at some time. I'm happy to say it, I have republican friends, even if i seem to disterb them more and more every week, i still know them and they won't go away too quickly.
Saterday night, we partied... there was a bar and they didn't card. I danced most of the night. All I'm allowed to say is that there were three guys who seemed interested in me. I could just see the look on their faces, it said "fresh meat". Well i played that to my own advantage very well, and I'm not proud of how i did it either.
We're back to friday night and probibly the most dramatic event in a while in my life. Me and Kira were at the Democratic party like usual, but we cut out early so we could go out. We first went and got our hair cut, Kira looks really hot with short hair. Then we found ourselves in a peircing parlor. Kira got her nose peirced, I, my Eyebrow. It was really exciting. But mine hurt.. a lot more then Kira's. We acted as sergeant boyfriend/girlfriend, it was pretty funny expecially seeing as I'm 6'4" and she's 5'1". (if that's wrong I'll come back and change that.. don't want to insalt her, seeing as the hight is a big issue anyways) We held hands as they stuck the needle in and I was so much more squeemish then she, I'll bet you can tell who wears the pants in our relationship. Well then we ran home ate a quick dinner at franks... that place disgusts me in too many ways to count, but i still eat there,, i wonder why?
Later that Night was a Ten Percent Society Dance & Drag show. Well, we had to go to that. Expecially because Chris, from accross the hall was one of the two queens. He was probibly the best, Singing vogue as Madana. Everyone was there. And A friend brought a waterbottle full of rasberry vodka. After that we hooked up another friend and went to a straight guy's birthday party. For the boos of course? Heh, some of us can't hold our liquor and kira was almost passing out after one beer, so we went home to sleep. I think three days is a good enough update, seeing how eventful they were. There are stories and back stories to this, and stories i can't put down because they're too graphic or will hurt too many people or myself. But I think thats a good start.