Transformers- An Outsiders Perspective

Jun 25, 2009 01:04

 I saw the new transformers movie in the state that anyone who's ever going to see it should: drunk and surrounded by boat loads of idiotic loud people that like to watch things blow up.

I'd say Meagan Fox was nice to look at, except that she talked like a little girl for the entire fucking movie.  Maybe I'm crazy, but I generally prefer for women to sound like PEOPLE as opposed to vapid hyperbolic tit-bunnies with spray on tans. There was a cadence to all of her sentances that you'd expect from a six year old, not a human adult, it was not sexy it was weak and unsettling.

Not to mention the less than subtle plebian politics crap  Each and every time the office of the President wasmentioned it was in a capitulating, self seving, and pathetically cowardly way.  As though this president, let alone any president had decided to ignore really good intel in order to be an irrational coward.  The Cabinents representative was a snivling douche that didn't seem to care at all about what was actually going on but really loved to treat your everyday soldier like a piece of shit.

It's like the movie was designed to please nothing more than Reagan Democrats, Blue-Dogs, and Neo-Cons.

That being said it was kind of cool to watch the big alien robots kick the living shit out of each other.  I was never a of this series as a child.  Don't get me wrong, I loved the toys, but I could never buy into the Transformers franchise on the whole.  Maybe it's that even their comics didn't have stories.  I could play with the awesome toys, but the toys didn't feel like people to me so I generally played with my little Ninja Turtles a whole lot more.

Maybe people that actually liked these cartoons as kids could find more interest in these movies than I do, maybe they'll be able to geek out in ways that I simply can't care about.  Find some satisfaction in seeing their favorite obscure giant robot as it jumps across the screen and slams into the other robots.  Maybe there's something personal there, a way to connect to your childhood and feel as though you are part of this gargantuan and ridiculous thing.  That someone actually paid attention to something you used to care about before you knew how to give a damn.

Unfortunately I did not feel that kind of joy.  All I felt was the frustration of a guy that see's something very pretty that a large number of people seem to care about for reasons that are entirely alien and anecdotal.

I'd say the best part about the movie was the preview for Avatar.

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