"Stop in the name of Jesus!"

May 15, 2009 10:51

 Yesterday there was a gang fight in the parking lot where I worked.

I was informed of this by a slender yet busty hispanic woman in her forties with a very thick accent.  She drove up to my Kiosk to inform me (apparently telling me about it was much more important than calling the police or an ambulance) that there were a large number teenagers fighting with sticks and knives.

She was obviously frightened and she began recanting the story to me, however she was very excited and she'd been difficult to unerstand already.  She did however seem to think that she'd made an impact upon these young boys because she ran up to them, put her hand out and shouted with authority:

"Stop in the name of Jesus!"
And according to her these gangbangers (who were currently in the process of murdering each other) were apparently so mystified and terrified by the invocation of the name of the ubber-jew that they ran off in awe and terror.  She seemed quite proud of herself.

Nevermind the fact that she let a child that was bleeding to death run off with his friends, nevermind the fact that she didn't call the police.  She said a silly name and then passed the buck on to me.  When I made the call she booked, and I didn't even get the chance to get her identification so that she could give more information to the authorities.  Basically, she didn't help at all.

I am rather certain (knowing churches the way I do) that she is going to recant this story to the other people in her parish.  That she is going to embelish and make it even more absurd, and that it will become a part of their shared experience, another example of Christ's power over the world.

This is the power of Christ, it allows you feel as though you are helping somehow, when really you are doing nothing what so ever.

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